ENGL 372 Children’s Literature
Book File Project
Book files (individual)
Select a children’s author/illustrator of your choice. Select 3 of his/her children’s books. Create a book file for each of the 3 selected books from the author/illustrator of your choice. A book file is an effective way to maintain record of what you have read. The best way to become familiar with children’s literature is to read a variety of books in various genres, style and sound.
Each book file should include the information below. Please make sure that you include all the elements in bold to avoid point deductions.
In the first page identify the book including a picture of the book in the cover, identify the author, title, publisher, date of publication, number of pages and age level for which the book would be appropriate. Identify if the book is an award winner.
Define the genre and explain why the selected book belongs to the assigned genre
Write a short summary of the book
Identify and list examples of literary devices that the author used (Except for wordless books) and how these elements helped the author convey his message (write one or two examples to support your argument).
Identify the theme of the story and as a teacher, any connections to any discipline (Math, Science, Social Studies, Art, Language Arts) on which you could base lessons in that discipline.
* At least one book should be Caldecott (Illustrator) or any other award winner (see list websites in reference list), if applicable for this author/illustrator.
* If the book is an award winner discuss why you think it got this distinction.
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