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ENGL 202 Discussion Board Forum Grading Rubric Criteria Levels of Achievement Content

ENGL 202

Discussion Board Forum Grading Rubric


Levels of Achievement

Content 70%




Not Present

Points Earned

Substance of Posts

25 to 28 points

Directly and thoroughly addresses prompt (all aspects), thought-provoking, accurately understands and explains course material and strongly connects readings to student’s own ideas, clearly focused, significant contribution

20 to 24 points

Addresses prompt but might miss one aspect, good contribution to class discussion, understands and explains course material, connects readings to student’s own ideas

1 to 19 points

One or more of the following: posts are not directly addressing the prompt or miss major requirements, doesn’t understand or explain course material, tenuous connection between readings and student’s ideas

0 points

No clear argument for posts

Development of Posts

25 to 28 points

Meets minimum word count (original post and response), each post has clearly stated topic sentence that governs it, well-developed with sufficient and appropriate examples from reading, adept connections and transitions between sentences and ideas, nice flow from point to point with good lead-ins for examples and clarification, ends with solid wrap-up

20 to 24 points

Meets minimum word count (original post and response), each post has unified central claim (though may not be explicitly stated), good development with helpful examples (though could benefit from more explanation or clarification), attempts to make connections between sentences and ideas, good lead-ins for examples and clarification, has a final wrap-up statement

1 to 19 points

One or more of the following: doesn’t meet minimum word count (for either original post and response); post is not fully unified around one claim; missing examples or clarification; missing connections between ideas or sentences; missing lead-ins for examples; missing wrap-up sentence

0 points

Lacks development of ideas

Structure 30%




Not Present

Points Earned

Grammar, Style, and Mechanics

22 to 24 points


17 to 21 points

Some minor grammar, punctuation, or style issues

1 to 16 points

A range from minor grammar, punctuation, or style errors that occur throughout paper to major errors (score depends on level of grammar errors present)

0 points

Egregious grammar, punctuation, or style errors that mar most sentences



Instructor’s Comments:

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