Descriptive Essay
Assignment Sheet
Grade: 15% of course grade
Expected out of class time on task: 15—20 hours.
Write an 800—1000 words description of a short film you watched on or any website that could be accessed for free. This purely descriptive essay will focus on the details that obviously contribute to the main value promoted by the film. The paper should employ varied vocabulary and thoughtful word choice with the purpose of capturing the details accurately. As an essay, it will include a title, a one-paragraph introduction that ends with a thesis statement, as many body paragraphs as you need, and a one-paragraph conclusion.
I will provide you with a sample that we will discuss in class. Consider the many issues raised in the texts we read as you think about your own identity.
The paper must follow MLA style and will be at least 800 words (not including heading, title) and no more than 1000, using 1” margins, and 12 point Times New Roman Font. Provide the link to the short film at the end of the essay.
Before I grade it, nobody can see your work besides me, the AUK Writing Center consultants, and your peer reviewers in class.
Rough Drafts due for Review Monday and Tuesday, July 26 and 27.
Final Draft due Thursday, July 29
Follow the heading format below:
John Doe
ENGL 101
Descriptive Essay
Due: 29 July 2021
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