Mouhammad Zain
Why should the U.S. switch to electric cars?
Electric cars are being made worldwide by different companies, making them better and more suitable to drive for consumers, but still, that’s not the big picture. For just that reason, we can just quickly declare that a country like the U.S. will switch to all-electric cars. It must have some beneficial impacts to do so. While many of these electric vehicles might look cool despite their looks and their price is high, they will benefit that these cars will become the new wave. The goal of the U.S. when it comes to producing new things and switching to a new wave is to benefit the U.S. environment in helping with attacking global warming problems and how it affects the business industry positively.
Global warming and many other causes affect the environment in many cases worldwide, including the U.S. Having said that, many of the U.S. government leaders and others have acknowledged that electric cars can help with this situation, even if it’s a little bit. In an article from Jeff Tollefsen called “Car Industry: Charging up the future,” Tollefsen mentions the draft changes that America can develop has to deal with the involvement of these new electric vehicles in an everyday type of use. With the new development of these cars, their main focus will be on these lithium batteries as engines. These lithium batteries are the key feature of these cars because that’s how you would charge up these cars either at home with your charger or, in many cases, nearby stations. Since Billions of people and companies have sponsored these batteries and many charging stations, their goal is to slowly demolish gas stations into making many electric charging stations around the country. This will benefit the economy in many ways, with interceding oil supplies, the national guard, and focusing mainly on global warming. With the high oil prices and their damaging effect on the environment around the U.S, many government leaders started to consider having that switch to electric vehicles sooner than later. When switching over to these electric vehicles using electrical energy and batteries to enhance transportation also provides the U.S. intending to save money finally. That money will go into bettering the environment and helping to stop global warming or slow it down. All these cars with gasoline spreading and polluting the air are the result of U.S arrogance. If the U.S. stops funding factories and pays for oil, that would lead to a great start for a plan, and that’s what we need. Even though this sounds like a plan, it’s not easy as Tollefsen describes that many country’s including the U.S, had problems with the past of having battery failures. Also that maybe since the start of production, there were not good enough batteries, and that’s why the U.S stopped funding electric Vehicles and still proceeded in making more cars that use gas. But since this article had come out in 2008, Tollefsen had his ideas to implement better batteries and a more effective way for electric vehicles to be more effective over the years to where we are now. In another article from Dean Walter Called “Going Green with Electric Vehicles,” Walter talks about the fundamental economic changes these electric vehicles can enhance when it comes to going “green.” Walter starts by describing how at first people came from being a nomad to inventing technology and the long transitions coming along the way from then. Still, he also mentions how the environment was different from history to now, where we have many factories and stations that pollute many areas of our country. Now that we are far into having electric vehicles, the benefits of having them are part of a progressing opportunity each coming year. Despite having a great economic background, the problem was the range of the cars and the batteries since the very beginning of electric vehicles. But since building more batteries with different improvements, we have handed more attention to the electric Vehicles in recent years than in any other years. As for its effects, electric vehicles’ advantages will always outweigh the cons since that is its purpose. For instance, as mentioned, gas and carbon dioxide from factories and daily gas vehicles harm our everyday environment with toxins polluted. America is dispensing billions after billions of money to get a hold of oil even if their prices are getting higher each year. If replacing gas as a source of energy with chemical energy usage, the U.S can power many electric vehicles without polluting or being a distress option for global warning. Many hybrid electric cars use no gasoline or bare minimum to be a source of transportation. That’s why if the U.S. started investing in these electric vehicles, we could probably save more money to make the big switch and use the saved money for a better cause for the U.S, like saving the environment or even starting new ones. Another thing is while improving the environment, you will be taxed way less than having to pay for gas to power up a toxic excuse for transportation and being a part of the reason for future destruction on our environment. The fuel economy is funded so much that countries like the U.S. complain about having global warming issues that cause worries of the U.S to increase each year. Then how come the U.S continue to increase the chances by producing even more of these gasoline vehicles which carry that exact outcome. Walter mentions that since the growth of electric vehicles is progressing each year, the government has witnessed how our environment is getting better even if it is in little efforts. If using chemical energy as a source to power engines, why use pricey and toxic gas. That would then lead to the government finally making the first moves to switch to these vehicles in partaking the U.S. streets in the future. Moreover, electric vehicles are our best way to save our earth from being destroyed in the near future. People who are a part of the U.S. leader’s community need to come together to address these plans before the environment is in further danger.
Let’s talk about another main reason having electric vehicles is most likely a better cause for the U.S. making its business market grow as each sale passes each year. The purchases of the electric economy of vehicles increase to a vast extent for companies across the globe. The U.S. has also partaken in this business’s profit and helped the business industry grow further, selling and producing more electric vehicles, which is another main benefit of having these vehicles. In the article by Steve Karl called “Electric Vehicles are the future,” Steve mentions that the U.S. already started to pour billions of dollars of funding toward this project. After making them, he noticed that the U.S. market had gone up ever since the country began to produce more of these electric vehicles. In 2018, the percentage of people was 74% who purchased electric vehicles than people who bought them in 2017. That led the U.S. to start making even more and making more money doing so. Karl mentions that the U.S. needs to build these electric vehicles from different countries with different minerals to continue production. These materials are cheaper and better than all the gas stations, or factories, and industries are spent on. That damages the economy and the business industry. Putting in tons of money in toxic waste was a horrible letdown from the U.S. leaders. Instead, Karl mentions that congress should decide to profit and save our business industry from pouring more of our money into a toxic lifestyle by a need to realize. What if we ran money on getting materials and started to focus more on developing electric vehicles to save a lot of money and keep our business industries intact. A consumer report and review by Linkov Jonathan called “The Electric Car Come of Age” talks about the business industry of electric cars. Johnathan, an electric car owner, mentions how the prices of the business markets are ranged prices to be more affordable to have different ranges for different buyers—getting more of these cars to attract real customers to buy more vehicles. Each year, various fields of prices changed, starting with the time in 2018, when electric car sales were moving in a positive direction of many company’s expectations. Since then, each year after the business started to grow company’s in America started making more money with electric vehicles as a showcase than gasoline cars. Not only is America profiting with just the electric vehicles itself, but companies are making people buy the chargers also to charge the vehicles, and that cost a bit too. Having done that, America’s leaders already started using the money saved from sales that they received to make electric charging stations across the country, making it more reasonable to attract even more consumers to buy the Vehicles. With different ranges of prices on these electric vehicles, either way, will help boost America’s business industries and help avoid wasting their money and putting their money in a ditch as they did with vehicles with gasoline. Overall, with the extra money incomings and America’s business rising in this particular project, there is still a lot of work to do. The U.S is still in the beginning phase of developing and improving these vehicles. Still, soon leaders expect that we’ll have developed more and improved electric vehicles attention to switch our transportation with electric vehicles thanks to its business impact on the industry.
Tollefson, J. (2008). Car industry: Charging up the future. Nature, 456(7221), 436–440.
Deal III, W. F. (2010). Going Green with Electric Vehicles. Technology & Engineering Teacher, 70(3), 5–11.
Kral, S. (2019). Electric vehicles are the future. Mining Engineering, 71(4), 88–88.
Linkov, J. (2019). The Electric Car Comes of Age. In Consumer Reports (Vol. 84, pp. 54–65). Consumer Reports, Inc.
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