Answer the questions to the best of your own knowledge. However, you are also welcome to look answers up on line.
Your responses will show me either how much you already know or how proficient you are at looking up information.
DO NOT cut and past your answers from an internet source. Even if you are looking answers up, they should be composed in your own words.
This will help you create a glossary of terms that we will use throughout the rest of the class.
Please provide no fewer then 3 sentence answers. Feel free to make them longer. Also feel free to include examples.
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Flag question: Question 1
Question 13 pts
What is a story? Explain
Flag question: Question 2
Question 22 pts
What is narrative discourse? Explain
Flag question: Question 3
Question 32 pts
What is a framing narrative? Explain
Flag question: Question 4
Question 42 pts
What makes a first-person narrator? Explain
Flag question: Question 5
Question 52 pts
What makes a third-person narrator? Explain
Flag question: Question 6
Question 62 pts
What is an omniscient narrator? Explain
Flag question: Question 7
Question 72 pts
What makes a narrator reliable or unreliable? Explain
Flag question: Question 8
Question 82 pts
What is a motif? Explain
Flag question: Question 9
Question 92 pts
What is a theme? Explain
Flag question: Question 10
Question 102 pts
What is figurative language? Explain
Flag question: Question 11
Question 112 pts
What is a flashback? Explain
Flag question: Question 12
Question 122 pts
What is a flashforwards? Explain
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The post Answer the questions to the best of your own knowledge. However, you appeared first on PapersSpot.