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The epic hero in literature has existed throughout generations. You have read

The epic hero in literature has existed throughout generations. You have read a selection of short stories that contained a character that demonstrated characteristics of the epic hero as defined in our discussions. Using the plan you have constructed as we studied the stories, complete your paper according to the prompt listed below. Remember that you must site your facts from the text using parenthetical citation (discussed examples in class and they are listed on the Purdue Owl page) and a works cited page should be attached at the end of your paper (discussed in class and the sample is on Canvas).Prompt: Pick 3 literary elements and show how that elements are developed and influenced by the use of other literary elements throughout the stories. We focused on the major 5. You can use any others you found in your reading and research.For example – tone and moodHow do the other literary elements work throughout the story to develop the tone of the story and create the mood in the reader?Another example is characterizationWhen looking at the development of a character, how does the setting, plot, and conflicts impact the development of the character as an epic hero physically and in his actions or emotions throughout the story?There are many more – create your own or I will help you put it together and create the thesis for your paper.REQUIREMENTS: 700 WORDS, OUTLINE, WORKS CITED PAGE, 4 SOURCES (TESTBOOK IS ONE OF THEE). MLA FORMAT, SIZE 12 FONT. POSTED TO CANVAS.

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