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White 2 English 111 20 July 2021 Is Technology Ultimately More Helpful

White 2

English 111

20 July 2021

Is Technology Ultimately More Helpful or Harmful to Humans

The advancement of technology has created jobs, improved healthcare, and has made life much easier. Technology has increased the likelihood of survival for mankind and will continue to do so in the future. Though some may argue that technology has created a generation of lazy and apathetic individuals, it can not deny that in technology in most sectors are meant to improve lives. Technological advances have made many strides in the world as we know it.

Technology has made the world safer and given us a profound understanding on the things around us. Technology has created a connected world where a child in Europe can interact with another child in another country. The science of technology has given us elevated means of medical research and data. Our world is currently recovering from a pandemic that nearly brought our world to its knees. Technology helped us keep ourselves and our children in school, kept us informed of the effects globally, and eventually helped create a vaccine.

It is argued that technology has ultimately done more harm as much as it has done good. The world view on the objection is geared toward various aspects of how technology has affected us. The first is the psychological harm it causes in children. Scientists have proven that cellphone usage and video games create social anxiety and addiction to these technologies. Cyber bullying, conducted mostly amongst youth, is another way technology has been harmful to humans The second is the intranet and its violation of privacy. These issues cause problems for individuals whom information can be sold and/or accessed to the highest bidder. Many would argue that digital footprints give way for individuals to have their identity stolen or to be falsely accused. Thirdly, society argues that technology is linked to obesity and various other health issues.

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