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View the following videos: Money, Power and Wall Street: Part 1, in

View the following videos:

Money, Power and Wall Street: Part 1, in Frontline. 

Money, Power and Wall Street: Part 2, in Frontline.

Then, answer the questions below in your discussion:

What was the impact of the near failure of Bear Stearns and the failure of Lehman Brothers on money markets?

What actions did the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department take? What were the impacts of the decisions, if any?

Describe the differences among the following three types of orders: market, limit, and stop loss. Provide examples of each in your own words.

What is a short sale of stock? Provide an example in your own words.

Use your textbook to define the term short sale as it pertains to stock.

Describe buying on margin. Provide an example in your own words.

Why is it illegal to trade on insider information? Provide an example in your own words.

Complete the following scenario using the templates provided:

Select one U.S. publicly traded company and review its most recent annual report. (You may use one of the three companies you selected for your Stock Journal assignment.)

Use the Week 8 Finance in Business Excel Template [XLSX] provided to report assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, and net income for your selected company.

Note: There are locked cells in the Excel template. The cells have been locked to prevent the formulas from being disturbed. The cells that you will need to use to complete this assignment are not locked. You may create your own templates, however it is recommended that you use the templates provided.

Determine changes in assets, liabilities, and equity.

Determine changes in total revenue and net income.

Describe the changes from the current and prior years in each of these key areas and whether the changes would be positive or negative from an investor/stockholder’s view.

Go to the Strayer library search page to locate and incorporate at least two quality sources into this assignment.

For stock price information, you may use the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, Yahoo! Finance, or The Wall Street Journal Online.

Submit two documents for your Annual Report activity submission by uploading both documents at the same time in the submission area:

Completed Week 8 Finance in Business Excel Template [XLSX].

Completed Week 8 Finance in Business Template [DOC].

Please respond to the following:

You want to adopt a program to improve quality and efficiency within a company. Analyze four quality-control tools (Lean principles, 5S principles, Six Sigma, and Total Quality Management). Next, discuss which tool you would select to implement at a business. Justify your response.

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