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Climate change Describe effective methods you used in identifying and narrowing down

Climate change

Describe effective methods you used in identifying and narrowing down to just one of the topics to further research for your Final Paper.

First, by eliminating, I distinguished points that did not interest me. Then I evaluated my perspective on redundant topics no matter what. Then at that point, I thought about which ones I had reliable evaluations of or which ones quickly forced me to protect my position. In the end, I conceptualized the pros and cons of the two aspects where one can choose to argue.

Explain three ways you can critically analyze sources to determine if they are scholarly.

Using the Ashford University Writing Center and Library makes it possible to distinguish whether the source is reliable and insightful entirely. Another method is to use alternative email structures and support communities for exhortations and ideas. Additionally, peer-audited sources will advise experts in that particular region to analyze the case from top to bottom.

Summarize information from at least two scholarly journal articles from the Ashford University Library that will support your claims for your chosen topic.

There is a potential danger that by 2050 the food security of 3 billion people will be at risk. In addition, the United Nations Environment Program estimates that billions of people will live under high water pressure by 2050, which will become a limiting factor for the progress of many countries in the world (Wang et al., 2021). This is due to the increase in individuals in non-industrial countries who graze for food and trade. Additional hardships, including water shortages, are prevalent worldwide because people increasingly fear that population growth and economic development will affect imaginable financial development. “These increasing pressures on assets are further disrupted by the impact of environmental changes, such as declining precipitation quality, expanding prerequisites for water use in agricultural areas, and expanding unhappy with the dissipation of supply.

The change of desert spring water plays an essential role in the depletion of territorial waters and ecological protection. The interior arid lands of northwest China have scarce rainfall, disappearing surface height, dry air, insufficient water accessibility, large-scale soil disintegration, and very fragile ecological conditions. To achieve the rational use of desert gardens and community finances, the source area of ​​the desert must be considered a critical variable affecting its movement (Chen et al., 2021). Previous investigations have used deep learning frameworks such as recurrent neural networks to assess the accuracy of the individual or the scope of Desert Springs’ command strategy.

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