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Final paper: Due on August 13th via email as a Word attachment.

Final paper: Due on August 13th via email as a Word attachment.

Write a five-page analysis that considers “The Dead” as a story at once about Gabriel Conroy’s growth but also as a discussion of Ireland and Irish people in the early twentieth century, still under the control of the British. What elements of Gabriel’s personal story connect with the theme of the nation and its identity? Note that Gretta and Michael Furey, who form part of Gabriel’s personal journey, belong to “regional” Ireland and in some way are connected to the theme of the Irish nation. You will need at least one scholarly resource to support your argument.


Write a five-page analysis of ways in which the relationships between black natives and white colonizers are portrayed in Walcott’s “far Cry from Africa” and Gordimer’s “The Moment Before the Gun Went Off.” How do you respond to each author’s representation of these frictions? You will need at least two scholarly sources to support your analysis.

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