Final Paper: Consider yourself to be a minister of health of a country. Choose a specific country. The final submission will be a grant proposal that you will write to present a strategy for health systems strengthening of your country. You can address your proposal to any international funding agency
(GFATM, USAID, DFID, SIDA, GTZ, World Bank, or other). Please make sure to address at least two of
the HS building blocks areas. You need to base your proposal analysis and recommendation on at least two to three other countries’ best practices and your thinking/reflection/out-of-the-box idea that is backed by data.
NOTE: Literature Review/Synthesis: In order to develop the proposal, you need to do a good literature review of best practices in other countries/regions.
Papers should be 15 pages ( minimum page limit 14 pages) in length (double spaced, 12” Font 1” margin) (The 15 pages do not include the reference page) and follow a standard style guide (the Department of GlobalHealthrecommendsHarvardstylewithAuthordate format)fortext,footnotes,references,tables and charts. Use 12“Times New Roman font and 1inch margin double spaced. All factual data should be cited in the text and referenced in the bibliography. Please make sure you cite the original source. (The lectures do not count as original sources).Students may not cut/paste tables from other publications; they should create tables using data from properly referenced sources. However, published charts may be used as long as the source is documented.
George Washington University norms on plagiarism will be applied in evaluating papers, and a violation of these norms will result in an automatic zero for the paper. Papers will be evaluated on the basis of the quality of research and evidence presented, and on clear, concise writing and critical thinking as well as style (correct spelling, references, presentation of tables and charts).
FINAL PAPER DUE DATE: Final papers should be submitted in the assignment section of 2GW two days after the end of your respective Week 10 session at 11:59pm EST.
The papers should include the following:
Cover Page
Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations (if applicable)
Abstract/Executive Summary – (Write the amount you are requesting here)
Body of the Paper (Please put subheadings per your topic area here)
– In this section describe in detail the 2 health system building block areas that you have chosen to strengthen in your country
– Detail best practices/processes in 2 countries and write how you plan to contextualize the best practices for your
– Briefly add how you plan to evaluate your program
– with pros and cons
Works Cited (Reference/Endnote)
References: Please use MLA or APA citation styles
MLA citation style resource: _citations_the_basics.html
APA citation style resource tml
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