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Follow-up questions regarding assignment/order Order 2251916 At least 350 words with references

Follow-up questions regarding assignment/order Order 2251916

At least 350 words with references on the following questions

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Rebuttal and further development Questions:

Has the presidency become too strong? 

Is the War Powers Act an effective way for Congress to control the “genie” out of the bottle? 

Is a strong commander in chief critical in an era of rapid transport and immediate danger?

Should the USA still commit its forces to conflict in order to uphold humanitarian rights? If so, do consultation with Congress prevents the “Humanitarian-need-to-response-action” option that was considered by the President?

Will the War Powers Consultation Act of 2014 become a similar type of resolution to the War Powers act of 1973, but be one with a more limited time frame? For example, will Special Operations still be able to conduct their missions, and will 30 days be sufficient for the President to carry out military operations in today’s world of sensitive information, high speed communications, technology and rapid response and still circumvent Congress ‘approval’? In order of words, as long as it remains within 30 days the new act will also allow the President to initiate hostilities abroad…something to ponder…

What role will the media play?

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