Word format to the assignment Submission page.
1. Antibiotic resistance is a critical component of understanding infection rates. Define one mechanism by which bacteria can gain resistance to an antibiotic.
2. Diseases are transmitted by a variety of methods. If you were a nurse, what advice would you give a parent dealing with a child with pink eye to prevent transmission to a sibling?
3. How does the World Health Organization define pandemic? In what ways does this differ from an epidemic?
4. What is the difference between active and passive surveillance of disease? Provide an example of diseases that are surveilled by each method.
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I need to make a reading log for Spanish 101
I need to make a reading log for Spanish 101 due Dec 6,2021 at 11:59 pm
What and how much do I need to read in Spanish?
This is the Reading Log Guideline to go by. Also, to get full points, remember to fill in all the sections of the Reading Log template:
What you read:
Full source citations please!
For physical reading materials such as a book: Title, author, publisher, date of publication, chapter and/or page numbers you read. Be specific.
For internet sites: Title, or name of the TV program or internet site. Provide the hyperlink along with the same information as for a physical publication such as title, author, publisher, release date, etc. At times, you will need to dig into the site to find out this information. For example, you might need to take a closer look at the bottom of the page or visit the site’s main page. Apart from the hyperlink, just provide as much info as you possibly can. Be specific.
Diario de Greg: La Escapada by Jeff Kinney. Published by Amulet Books. Pages 1-47
Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal Written by J.K. Rowling, Translated by Alicia Dellepiane Rawson, Chapter 10: Halloween, Pages 465-480
Internet: Las Fábricas mas fascinantes del Mundo, YouTube documentary, Discovery Channel, Español, Dec 7, 2018 + hyperlink
Include at least 5 new words per entry, their English translation, and their definition (in Spanish please). For example:
Naturaleza (Nature) – Conjunto de las cosas que existen en el mundo o que se producen o modifican sin intervención del ser humano.
Cuerpo (Body) – Conjunto de las partes que forman un ser vivo.
Promesa (Promise) – Ofrecimiento solemne que hace una persona de cumplir con rectitud y fidelidad un determinado deber, empleando para ello una fórmula fija.
Porcelana (Porcelain) – Loza fina, traslúcida y de color blanco que está compuesta de caolín, feldespato y cuarzo y se usa para hacer objetos finos.
In addition, you will also need to include the page(s) where you found those new words. If it’s a documentary or movie, where exactly they are by saying the time. For example: “Naturaleza:” 12:04 (this means that the word “naturaleza” was said on minute 12, and 4 seconds).
You will include your own personal observations of what you have been reading. Enter meaningful comments for the different entries, days or weeks, and avoid always writing the same comments. For each entry, enter a comment, and do not leave the box empty.
Find below some of the most common comments you can use as a guide when completing “Comments:”
List the words you struggled with; for example, the difficulty you encountered pronouncing certain sounds, such as the double “r,” the “j,” diphthongs, etc. Provide specific examples, such as “I had difficulty pronouncing: lagartija, aeropuerto, etc.”
If you found the reading to be interesting, useful, helpful, boring, etc. and provide your claim.
From the new words you learned, can you come up with an example?
“I had to read it slowly to make sure I was reading each word correctly.”
“I read it a couple of times to make sure I understood most of it or everything I read.”
A different word order from Spanish. Provide specific example(s).
If you came across some cognates, list them. For example: librería doesn’t mean library but bookstore. Biblioteca is library.
“I’ve found many words that I recognized instantly, such as…..”
I need to work on specific sounds (Ll, rr, j, g), Technique, Rhythm, Ear Training, Sight Reading, Fluency, etc.
If you read something from the internet, what source was that?
“Some parts and words I still struggle with, such as XXX but I’m getting better with reading in general.”
“I’ve found many words that I recognized instantly. Some of these words were XXX.”
I have no major issues reading, but the grammar constructions were somewhat complex for me. I’ll choose an easier to read text next time.
Author’s tone…
To get full points, add the number of minutes you have read throughout the month, and enter the information next to “TOTAL number of minutes read.”
Reading resources:
Here are Reading Resources for you to check out.
Grading Rubric:
100% if you read in Spanish at least 100 minutes per month, complete all fields in the Reading Log Template, and submit it by the due date. 10 points will be deducted for each missing field: Date, Title, Comments, Number of minutes, and Total number of minutes read.
Readings from a movie, a documentary or a website with subtitles/transcripts can represent up to 50% of the entire Reading Log, this includes Netflix. If the student has only used one specific source, let’s say Netflix, for the entire Reading Log, then up to 25% will be deducted. The Reading Log has to have a variety of readings.
The Reading Log has to show consistent number of minutes throughout the weeks, and not all of the readings being done on one sitting. If you do all your readings just on one or a couple of nights, it defeats the purpose of developing a reading habit, and you will get a 10% penalization.
Vocabulary: For each entry enter a minimum of 5 vocabulary words that are new to you along with their definition and translation into Spanish. Up to 10 points will be deducted for missing either of these pieces of information.
A late Reading Log will have a 10% penalization each day it is late. Any Reading Log submitted ten days after the due date, will not be accepted.
Refrain from using the same reading for the entire month. For a long book, you can read a few chapters, and then in the following Reading Log, you can resume the same reading but on the following chapters. Instead, you are expected to try to read either 2, 3 or 4 different readings throughout the month. You can use the same reading for two consecutive weeks or 50% of the Reading Log. Up to 25% will be deducted for not using a variety of readings.
Since this Reading Log is scheduled on the last week of class, no late Reading Logs will be accepted after the due date.
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develop a risk assessment for a serious workplace hazard with
develop a risk assessment for a serious workplace hazard with which you are familiar, view Appendix 2 found in the OSHA document Job Hazard Analysis to help you select a hazard. Evaluate the hazard and its associated risks, and then complete the Hazard Analysis and Risk Analysis Project form. To complete the Initial Risk Assessment and Post Control Risk Assessment sections, use the following codes based on the Risk Assessment Matrix
1 – Catastrophic
2 – Critical
3 – Marginal
4 – Negligible
Probability (Likelihood of Occurrence):
A – Frequent
B – Probable
C – Occasional
D – Remote
E – Improbable
Risk Code:
H – High
S – Serious
M – Medium
L – Low
All sections of the form must be completed. Note that the “Post Control Risk Assessment Measures” section reflects the risk assessment after applying the additional control measures.
In a separate document of at least one page, explain the reasoning behind how you filled out each section of the form. How would the control measures affect the assessment? You must use at least your textbook for this assignment, and other resources may be used as needed.
Upload both the completed form and the discussion document. Be sure that the discussion document is in APA format with a title page and a reference page and any information from a resource is properly cited in APA Style.
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READ BEFORE WRITE Living A Feminist Life: Introduction (Bringing Feminist
Living A Feminist Life: Introduction (Bringing Feminist Theory Home), Conclusion I (A Killjoy Survival Kit), Conclusion II (A Killjoy Manifesto)
Feminism Interrupted: Introduction (Feminist Work is Justice Work), Ch 1 (Know Your History), Ch 10 (Solidarity is a Doing Word)
Try not to summarise.
Limit your thoughts to 1-2 paragraphs.
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*The body of your project can be structured in a
*The body of your project can be structured in a variety of ways, but think about the models of reading we have done so far to guide you. So for example, you might divide your overarching topic into a few questions that you want to answer in turn, or you might have one framing question and you offer a few different examples or case studies to address it. The body of your project is not only where you answer your questions but where you build a persuasive case for your answers; what evidence have you found through your research to support your argument?
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A report that will describe the Activity Based Costing (ABC)
A report that will describe the Activity Based Costing (ABC) method in comparison with Absorption Method(Traditional) using a brewery business as a case study.
Estimate the cost of producing two types of beer, using applicable examples presented and justifying any judgements made and /or any limitations faced with the methodology used.
Finally, you should comment if you feel that your estimates can be used by management.
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Assignment Instructions: You are tasked as the Cyber Security Analyst
Assignment Instructions:
You are tasked as the Cyber Security Analyst at your new organization to prepare a briefing for executive management (comprised of people with anywhere from a basic understanding of Information Technology [IT] to a Chief Information Officer with a vast knowledge of IT). The purpose of the briefing is to make recommendations on a course of action they should take to deal with a myriad of threats due to a recent compromise of critical IT Infrastructure by an unknown intruder or insider.
For the purpose of this assignment, you are to select one of the topics below and create an in-depth and thoroughly analyzed report that first researches the subject matter and provides a well thought out background based on current trends; and then makes rationalization for the subsequent recommendations.
TOPICS (you may use more than one topic in your report if you like):
Attack Methodology plus Tools and Techniques used
Attackers – Types of Threats
How Most Organizations Defend Today (Lessons Learned)
Targeted Capabilities – What we should be Defending
– 4 Pages in length in APA format (not including a cover page and reference section)
Cover Page
Background Section
Analysis of current research on the subject matter
Reference Section
100% original work. no plagiarism.
Use current and real world data to make your points, not just the textbook
Your report may focus only on the topic of your choosing – imagine yourself working on one aspect of the report while team members complete the other areas following the same structure.
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Please respond to another ONE of the following questions thoughtfully
Please respond to another ONE of the following questions thoughtfully in a draft of a personal writing of 2 pages. MLA format.
How common do you believe the act of revenge is in everyday life? Write about specific incidents, including any in which you were involved or have witnessed.
Have you or has anyone you have known ever seen or claimed to have witnessed some kind of supernatural being? Explain the circumstances surrounding the event. Do you believe in the supernatural? Explain.
Write about a time when you discovered that someone you trusted had actually deceived you. Explain the situation—how you felt, how it turned out.
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please i need you to debugg my code. bellow is
please i need you to debugg my code. bellow is question and my code is uploaded
Implement the Insertion Sort algorithm for an array of int values in Intel assembly language. The algorithm, in C, is given below, assuming int a[ ], n; where n is the number of elements stored in the array. for(i=1;i=0&&a[location]>temp) { a[location+1]=a[location]; location–; } a[location+1]=temp; } Implementing this in Intel assembly language can be tricky because you are limited to the 4 data registers and you might need to be accessing other values as well. This may require that you move values back and forth between variables and registers. Remember that array access in assembly language is of the form a[ebx] where ebx is storing the byte offset, not the array index. You can have variations of this notation like a[ebx*4] so that ebx can be incremented in units of 1 instead of 4, and a[ebx+4] or a[ebx*4+4] to access a[i+1]. Write the program in C first to make sure you understand the logic, and then either convert the instructions into assembly instructions or write it from scratch using your C code as a basis. Your program will be organized as follows: • initialize the int array (hardcode this in the program so that you don’t have to input the values) and the number of elements of the array in C code • enter assembly code to perform the sort o all logic for the sorting algorithm must be done in assembly code • exit assembly code and output the sorted array using a for loop in C to iterate through the array Use only one array (do not manipulate a copy of the array). Run the program on the 2 data sets below. Between runs, change the array values and the number of elements in the array, recompile and rerun it. Collect both sets of output and attach them in comments at the bottom of your source code. Remember to comment your code, especially with respect to how it helps accomplish sorting. This program should be contained in one file and use only one function (main). Run #1: 100, 99, 97, 95, 90, 87, 86, 83, 81, 77, 74, 69, 63, 50, 44, 43, 39, 31, 29, 12 Run #2: 123456, 342100, 87539, 606006, 443322, 198371, 99109, 88018, 707007 Hand in your source code with the output from the two runs.