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Power Point Presentations of Research Papers Guidelines Presentations worth: 25 points. Follow

Power Point Presentations of Research Papers Guidelines

Presentations worth: 25 points. Follow instructions below CAREFULLY.

Requirements for Power Point Slides:

Minimum Length: (5 to 7 minutes)

Title of paper and your thesis statement (slide one)

Briefly tell the class about your best sources (slide two) Just list them.

Tell us the main reasons for your position and give your supporting evidence. (3-5 slides as necessary) (reason and evidence on each slide) EX. Reason #1 and evidence on one slide, Reason #2 and evidence on next slide, etc.

Give a summary of counterargument with expert quote (briefly-put on a separate slide)

Give a summary of Rebuttal with expert quote (briefly-your refutation-separate slide)

Conclusion (last slide) You may offer solutions in your conclusion, but solutions are not required.

You may use VISUALS: charts, graphs, or pictures that will enhance your presentation.

You may also use up to ONE or TWO minutes of video if it is relevant to your case. Example: from a documentary, film, YouTube

Generally, 10-12 slides should do it. (If you need more, fine, but don’t overdo it.)

Be sure to proofread your slides.

Your Power Point presentation will outline your major points.

You will be evaluated on the following:

Organization/appropriate content

Clear presentation of ideas

Contents of PowerPoint follow the guidelines above

Carefully proofread slides with no errors in spelling or grammar

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