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1)Social workers are committed to evidence-based practice, which is, simply stated, using

1)Social workers are committed to evidence-based practice, which is, simply stated, using a particular intervention for an issue, problem, or disorder based on the results of research

True or false

2) The USA has a free enterprise, private sector, for-profit health insurance health care system

True or false

3) The main difference between prejudice and discrimination is “action”. Meaning, discrimination is acting on your prejudice.

True or false

4) The Nordic countries — including Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden — provide especially generous family leave rights and benefits. Most new parents have the right to take approximately one year of leave, and they receive about two-thirds or more of their pay.

True or false

5) Theories of empowerment are derived from: Sociology, Economics & Political Theory, Liberation theology, and Social Work Theories

True or false

6) In recent decades, many European countries have restructured their social policies to trim costs and improve economic outcomes. However, programs that support workers with family responsibilities — including paid leave, child care, and rights to high-quality reduced-hour work — were singled out for protection and growth rather than cutbacks

True or false

7) Medicare and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs are examples of socialist (government-run health care) health care.

True or false

8) In order to facilitate empowerment, one must undergo the process of empowerment.

True or false

9) The ethical principle of Human Relationships is: Social Workers recognize the central importance of human relationships.

True false

10) Empowerment is categorized both as a process and product

True or false

11) Systems Theory explains human behavior as the intersection of the influence of multiple interrelated systems. According to this theory, all systems are interrelated parts constituting an ordered whole and each subsystem influenced other parts of the whole

True or false

12) American health insurance companies routinely reject applicants with a “preexisting condition”

True or false

13 Direct Power Block are often taken down by legal intervention the changing of laws of societal outrage.

True or false

14) When we are thinking about unraveling internal oppression we often need to look at the indirect power blocks each individual faces, that they much overcome in order to be empowered.

True or false

15) Social workers are obligated to ask themselves, “What evidence do I have that my proposed idea or intervention will help?

True or false

16) Social Worker, Barbara Solomon. Defines empowerment as “a process whereby the social worker engages in a set of activities with the client…the aim to reduce the powerlessness that has been created by the negative valuation based on membership in a stigmatized group”

True or false

17) The ethical principle of Dignity and Worth of a Person is: Social Workers respect the inherent dignity and worth of the person

True or false

18) Social workers use this conflict theory to understand clients who are experiencing oppression in some form or another in our capitalist society

True or False

19) Indirect Power Block: Often associated with internalized oppression and are much harder to unravel than Direct Power Blocks.

True or false

20) US health insurance companies employ armies of adjusters to deny claims. If a customer is hit by a truck and faces big medical bills, the insurer’s “rescission department” digs through the records looking for grounds to cancel the policy, often while the victim is still in the hospital.

True or false

21) When addressing systemic oppression oftentimes we are talking about the direct power blocks that we can change.

True or false

22) Foreign health insurance plans exist only to pay people’s medical bills, not to make a profit

True or false

23) Social Workers can work towards social justice through the following activities/work: direct practice, community organizing, supervision, consultation, administration, advocacy, social and political action, policy development and implementation, education, and research and evaluation.

True or false

24) In terms of finance (health care expenses), we (US health care system) force 700,000 Americans into bankruptcy each year because of medical bills

True or false

25) Empowerment is an ongoing process

True or false

26) Prejudice is an attitudes that prejudge a group, and they’re usually negative, and they’re not based on any sort of facts.

True or false

27) Theory -A general statement about the real world whose essential truth can be supported by evidence obtained through the scientific method. – Must explain in a provable way why something happens

True or false

28) Empowerment – a process by which individual and groups gain power to access resources and to control the circumstances if their lives.

True or false

29) Indirect Power Blocks refer to our thinking about ourselves. It the narratives that we tell ourselves about our ability to overcome

True or false

30) All theories of empowerment refer to power, which is defined as the ability to access and control resources and people.

True or false

31) Empowerment requires self-awareness

True or false

32) The ethical principle of Service is: Social workers’ primary goal is to help people in need and to address social problems

33) Being a child in a low income or poor family does not happen by chance. There are a range of factors associated with children’s experiences of economic insecurity, including race/ethnicity and parents’ education and employment

True or false

34) Generalist Social Workers learn to think of people as constantly interacting with their environment, this is known as the person-in-environment perspective

True or false

35) The ethical principle of Social Justice is: Social Workers challenge social injustice

True or false

36) There is a process to become empowered and there is a product of empowerment

True or false

37) It is important for Social Workers to create spaces where groups of people can share their experiences.

True or false

38) Discrimination is differential treatment and harmful actions against minorities

True or false

39) Collective actions is usually met by resistance

True or false

40) The following is a theoretical definition of empowerment: Empowerment is the process by which individuals and groups gain power to access resources and to control the circumstances of their lives

True or false

41) Direct power blocks: Refer to those things that structurally exist, that eliminate or severely hamper an individual’s opportunity to attain. Direct power blocks exist to maintain the status that we are in.

True or false

42) Generous work/family policies are good for parents, children, and worker productivity, and especially benefit lower-income workers who tend to have less bargaining power and cannot afford to pay for help privately

True or false

43) The ethical principle of Competence is: Social Workers practice within their areas of competence and develop and enhance their professional expertise.

True or false

44) Perspective – A way of perceiving the world flows from a value position.

True or false

45) As social workers it is our ethical imperative to understand the ways in which we might be impacted by oppression in order to facilitate empowerment in an unbiased manner.

True or false

46) The ethical principle of Competence is: Social Workers practice within their areas of competence and develop and enhance their professional expertise.

True or false

47) Example of a Direct Power Block: In the past, voting laws required a literacy test.

True or false

48) The strengths perspective gives credence to the idea that every person has strengths to call on in solving their problems. The social worker assumes that the client has multiple strengths. The social worker tries to assess the strengths of the individual/group/community and emphasizes these strengths in the helping relationship

True or false

49) The five most useful theoretical foundations for Social Workers are Systems Theory, the Ecological Perspective, Empowerment Theory, the Strengths Perspective, and Evidence-Based Practice”

True or false

50) The United States is the only developed country that lets insurance companies profit from basic health coverage.

True or false

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