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Individual Writing Assignment- BF 421 Fall 2021 This writing assignment is an

Individual Writing Assignment- BF 421 Fall 2021

This writing assignment is an individual assignment. Turnitin will be used and you need to keep your score in the blue/green to avoid being penalized for plagiarism. I may also ask you to explain where you got your sources from.

You need to write a minimum of 2000 words (excluding graphs, tables, and references) and include a table of contents, introduction, conclusion, and reference section. Your quotes should be limited to a line each. They will be excluded from your 2000-word count.

Please be careful about using information found on general financial websites (such as Investopedia or Wikipedia) since it is often not accurate or current. You can use concepts from your textbook, from the list of sources given below, or from reputable financial data sources.

The first draft of this paper is due on November 15th by class time. If you dot not provide a full (2000 words minimum) first draft by the deadline, you will receive a grade of zero. The revision is due on your final exam day (14th week schedule). If you decide to provide a revision, I will average your original grade with the revised grade, but ONLY if there are SIGNIFICANT changes.

The following questions should guide you in your research but your paper has to be structured as one manuscript with a table of contents, sections with titles, an introduction, and a conclusion.

Find two news articles (from 2021 ONLY) describing risk concepts associated with your country. Explain how the articles relate to class concepts.

Explain the differences between the 3 currency symbols used for China: CNY, CNH, and RMB. What are they used for?

From the library website, find two recent news articles from the Financial Times or Wall Street Journal ONLY (2021) on China’s economy. Explain how they impact their currencies.

Compare the currency regime of your country to the exchange rate system of China. Describe changes in their currency systems since the 2000s. Have the two currencies gotten stronger or weaker against the USD since the beginning of 2021? Why?

Why did the IMF include the CNY in Special Drawing Rights? What are the pros and cons?

Explain the designation of “currency manipulator” used by the US. What are the countries on this list and why?

List of useful sources:













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