College of Computing and Informatics
Pg. 11
خطأ! استخدم علامة التبويب “الصفحة الرئيسية” لتطبيق Heading 1 على النص الذي ترغب في أن يظهر هنا.خطأ! استخدم علامة التبويب “الصفحة الرئيسية” لتطبيق Heading 1 على النص الذي ترغب في أن يظهر هنا.
Project Report
Deadline: Tuesday 14/12/2021 @ 23:59
[Total Mark for this Assignment is 10]
Project Report
Deadline: Tuesday 14/12/2021 @ 23:59
[Total Mark for this Assignment is 10]
Human Computer Interaction
Human Computer Interaction
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Learning Outcome(s):
LO1: Define interaction design process and describe different type of models, theories and frameworks for conceptualizing interaction.
Learning Outcome(s):
LO1: Define interaction design process and describe different type of models, theories and frameworks for conceptualizing interaction.
2 Marks
2 MarksQuestion One
Modern HCI realizes that a user interface (UI) is meant for users. Hence, it is appropriate that the design process be centered on the users. This type of design is called user-centered design.
Using the general user-centered activities described in Chapter 2, propose a design for a software prototype for one of these groups of users:
Disabled people
Your software prototype can be of any platform – web, mobile, stand-alone, wearable, etc. Your tasks are:
Name your software prototype and explain its aim, objective(s) and the problem it is targeted to solve.
Collect requirements from potential users via an online survey and interview or observation based on your chosen type of user group. Get a minimum of 10 survey data and two interviews or observation data (or a mix of both).
Present your requirement results based on the needs, tasks, and functional analysis.
Highlight any surprising suggestion or feedback from potential users, if any, or the use of any metaphors.
1-Name your software prototype and explain its aim, objective(s) and the problem it is targeted to solve.
Name : Mobile Telemedicine for elderly, gadgets, smartphones, tablets
Mobile Telemedicine for elderly is a health application that is proposed particularly for elderly. The difference between myHealth and other health applications is that it will facilitate old people with common challenges like weak eyesight and/or hearing impairment etc.
The use of the application for the visually impaired elderly is widely reported in the US and one in six people in the United States have been diagnosed with vision impairment. The application, therefore, needs visual accessibility when creating an application like that, and with the fact that the aging population is ever increasing in the United States, they may visit these telemedicine websites every time.
For the aged who use aid when reading, they opt for large fonts, the use of shades can also appear faded for the elderly, this means that there is a need to reduce the blue elements used in the design of the app.
The main aim of the project is development of an application that would be used by elderly to order for medicine.
Develop a website for the elderly, that will be used to generate notifications as well as audio.
To help the elderly dispense drugs easily through the website.
2-Collect requirements from potential users via an online survey and interview or observation based on your chosen type of user group. Get a minimum of 10 survey data and two interviews or observation data (or a mix of both).
Based on the evaluation of data collected from the survey forms, personal observations and interviewing with few elderlies regarding their expectations from the proposed app. These expectations and requirements are as follows:
The text and buttons should be large, and anything that required clicking must be made more prominent in the application.
The overall fonts will be 16 dp.
The solution is making it simpler for the elderly to read is to increase fonts sizes when they need to.
The use of the sanserif typeface is preferred, for readability, and the application should pass the screen reader test before it is used by the elderly.
3-Present your requirement results based on the needs, tasks, and functional analysis.
By evaluating the needs and requirements ascertained from the survey, interview and personal observations, following features are proposed in the app.
Most respondents highlighted that interaction is important to their user experience, the is also a need for visual cues and also easy to understand, building the application means more than just making sure that the cues are understood, all parts of the user interface for the telemedicine needs to be easy to understand and also complete.
This is true because as an individual ages, motor skills also tend to decline with age, and this makes things like making gestures complicated and challenging for this group (Hendrich, Bistry, Adler & Zhang, 2014, May).
According to t Apple User Interface Guidelines, the buttons for the application will be at least 9.7 dp, when measured on 44x 44 iPad, there is a need to increase this font for an application to be used by the elderly.
Apple recommends this to be a mare minimum font for all devices.
4-Highlight any surprising suggestion or feedback from potential users, if any, or the use of any metaphors.
When older people are using touchscreen technologies, they may also face an obstacle in sensors, there are a number of interactions that the elderly may stumble, for example, seniors may find it difficult to type using one hand, especially when using a mobile device.
When designing for adults, especially people who are older than 80, the app should not include gestures that require the use of two fingers at the same time.
The system should have simple gestures such as horizontal and vertical movement, these are natural and will not be difficult for the elderly
There are also issues with less memory for adults, when people age, they suffer cognitive decline, and the speed at which they process information declines with time.
This means that if they need to complete timed tasks, then it may take them longer to complete these tasks. They, therefore, need more time to absorb the information they are presented with so that they take appropriate action.
A problem, therefore, arises when they are presented with scenarios that require a quick intake of information or data or making quick decisions.
Hendrich, N., Bistry, H., Adler, B., & Zhang, J. (2014, May). User-driven software design for an elderly care service robot. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (pp. 142-149).
Holzinger, A., Searle, G., Kleinberger, T., Seffah, A., & Javahery, H. (2008, July). Investigating usability metrics for the design and development of applications for the elderly. In International Conference on Computers for Handicapped Persons (pp. 98-105). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
2 Marks
2 MarksQuestion Two
The designing process is the preparation for prototyping. It shall include a drawing and description of each UI design. Based on your analysis and findings from Question One, describe how the prototype will look and work. Your tasks are:
Preparing the conceptual design:
Present a minimum of three model layouts that describe abstractly what the users require, how it can solve the problem, and what the users can do with the prototype. You may want to include the knowledge from some of the interdisciplinary fields you have learned in Chapter 1 into your conceptual design. Conceptual design is discussed in Chapter 3. You can perform this task with a simple sketch too.
The above wireframes otlines how the home screen, individual item screen and the cart screen of the app will look . Using the wireframes a clear picture of what the general appearance and the components that will be used in the app design can be seen, hence useful for getting users feedback.
Preparing the concrete design:
Translate the conceptual design in (1) with the details, including the colors, sounds, images, menus, icons, etc. You may want to consider more concrete design issues discussed in Chapter 7 and 12. You may use any visual programming tools you familiar with.
4 Marks
4 MarksQuestion Three
Prototyping is part of the development phase. You are to prepare the interaction design of your proposed concrete design in Question Two. This is where you make your prototype comes to life. You need to provide the behavior as well as the look and feel of your designs. This will allow your potential users to interact and navigate with the UI during the prototype evaluation later. Your prototyping process should not aim to achieve a fully functional product. You may use any visual programming tool to achieve this. Provide each screenshot with the description of the function, its previous and subsequent state and highlight any UX design practices you used to prevent users from making errors. You may refer to the UX design pattern discussed in Chapter 13.
Submit a 2-minute video presentation on the prototype interaction to support and complement your attached screenshots.
2 Marks
2 MarksQuestion Four
Evaluation is the process of determining the usability and acceptability of the product based on UX criteria. Choose a minimum of 3 potential users, preferably from the same users you interviewed earlier or from the list of users involved in your product requirement online survey. Conduct a User Acceptance Test (UAT) with the identified users. Review their feedback based on the following guidelines:
Average subjective satisfaction from the users based on its aim and objective(s).
Number of both familiar and unfamiliar metaphors / details to users.
Number of actions / functions / inputs / outputs that are considered confusing to users.
Any new suggestions / feedbacks from users for improvement.
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