If you need to, please cite the Text, PowerPoints or NWS/NOAA webpages to avoid plagiarism.
Use 11-point fonts except when citing passages (see example below) and 1.5 line-spaced with 1 inch margins all the way around.
Citation Examples: “Lightning is caused by a difference in electrical charge within a cloud…or between the cloud and the ground” (Tarbuck 265)
“In the tropics Qh convection is the primary factor in driving a thunderstorm.” (TS powerpt. Slide 1)
According to NOAA:
“Hurricane Season” begins on June 1 and ends on November 30, although hurricanes can, and have, occurred outside of this time frame. NOAA’s National Hurricane Center predicts and tracks these massive storm systems, which occur, on average, 12 times a year in the Atlantic basin (https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/hurricane.html). Use 10-point fonts when cutting and pasting a passage
If you are simply citing some facts, then do this: According to NOAA, a hurricane officially occurs when sustained wind speeds reach “74 mph or 64 kts” and becomes a “Category 1 Hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Scale” (https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/hurricane.html).
Middle Latitude Cyclones are the “storms” of the Middle Latitudes and the Polar front Jet is the circulation regime of the middle latitudes. (a) Describe the structure of these MLC storms including the warm, cold & occluded fronts and the type of weather that can occur with each front. How is energy transferred in these storms? (b) How does modern conveyor theory relate to classic polar front theory? (c) Describe the Polar Front Jet: Why does it exist and what are its two major configurations? How do these configurations differ and how can they impact temperature at MSP?
Tropical cyclones, also known as Hurricanes and Typhoons are the major storms of the tropical realm and even impact subtropical zones outside the true tropics. (a) Where do they occur and where are they absent? Explain this geography. (b) Describe the ingredients needed to form a category V hurricane (c) Elaborate on its structure: spiral bands, collar clouds (eye wall) and eye and the weather encountered in each section (d) Describe fully the types of damage a hurricane/typhoon will inflict upon making landfall; (e) Think of these types of damage and apply them to Tacloban, The Philippines relative to Typhoon Haiyan (2013) and the SE USA relative to either Camille (1969) or Harvey (2017). Elaborate on how terrain and/or coastal configuration can greatly accentuate these forms of damage.
Tornadoes comprise the most violent form of weather and they often occur in the context of a Super Cell and a severe thunderstorm. (a) What exactly is a Super Cell and how are they formed? (b) Where do they form in the U.S.& why are they nearly absent in Africa/Asia/Europe and Australia? (c) Returning to tornadoes, what made the Spring of 2011 so extreme in terms of the numbers of EF-5’s and raw number of total tornadoes? (d) Define lead time and How has Doppler Radar worked to improve “lead time?” (e) What are the ingredients needed to form a tornado and how does this situation differ from a hurricane? (f) What were the major findings associated with Professor Bluestein’s portable Doppler Radar? Why are they important?
Weather Analysis: How are POES and GOES satellites used and how are they different from each other? Similarly, what are the strengths of the Surface Weather Map, 500 mb and 250 mb charts? In the Tornado video, Greg Carbine of the NWS Storm Prediction Center used a form of analog forecasting when addressing the plausibility of a tornado outbreak in the spring of 2011. What exactly is analog forecasting?
Air Masses: What is your favorite air mass and why? Where is its source region? Does it move? What are its main characteristics? Why does it possess those characteristics? Does it possess them all year or have seasonal variations/changes? Second, describe two optical illusions associated with the atmosphere (what is it? how does it form?).
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