Access to Healthcare Medical Ethical Issue
Sofia Lopez
West Coast University
Medical Ethics
Professor D’Ascoli
June 25, 2021
Access to Healthcare Medical Ethical Issue
Healthcare workers have numerous responsibilities, including illness prevention and alleviating suffering to increase the quality of life of a patient. Promoting healthcare and increasing patient outcomes is a fundamental principle followed by all essential care providers. However, when it comes to the issue of access to treatment, there comes a divisive argument. Different administrative units across the world have divergent approaches to treatments and medications (Peter, 2018). Access to healthcare is both an ethical and non-ethical matter which needs a well-informed approach.
Based on ethics, the gap between the rich and the poor continues to grow each day. Often times, providers suffer when patients are not able to receive essential treatment due to matters our of their control such as financial reasons or insurance restrictions. The healthcare team delivers high-quality care to each patient encountered regardless of their social class. Moreover, as a result, perceptions of alienation, unwelcoming, and discrimination change this topic (ODPHP, 2020). The advocates for healthcare attest that access to attainable treatment is indeed a pivotal matter in the world of ethics.
On the flip side, experts argue that the issue of receiving care is not part of ethics at all. In most cases, inadequate provision of essential resources is the real cause for many people lacking treatment (Dowd, 2018). Professions have boundaries, and some matters are beyond the control of the hospital personnel. In this sense, it is the role of the government authorities to make the services available for citizens. Besides, the ethical dilemma emanating from the idea is irrational and has nothing to do with professional integrity (Peter, 2018). It is more of inadequacy that makes the attempts of balancing between quality care and efficiency from the resources available.
Dowd, M. (2018). Legal & Ethical Issues that Health Care Professionals Face. Retrieved 23 June 2021, from
ODPHP. (2020). Access to Health Services | Healthy People 2020. Retrieved 23 June 2021, from
Peter, E. (2018). Overview and summary: Ethics in healthcare: Nurses respond. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 23(1).
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