Method Section Instructions
Students are to put together a complete Method Section for the Jury Paper and Proposal Paper. See syllabus for due dates
Safe Assign submissions are due by class time
Hard Copies are due in class
Paper must include:
Title Page with title that includes variables and what you’re looking for, running head, pg number, group members as per APA style
Revised Introduction before the Method section and works cited page at the end of the document
Works cited page must include all articles—including any articles you may have cited in the Method section.
All parts of the method section are written in paragraph form
Participants—This section is to describe the population you’re interested in and the sample you’re hoping to get.
Where are you recruiting them from? Describe the area/ location.
You should not be putting how you recruit them here. How you recruit them should be written in the Procedure section.
Expected number of participants
Expected % male/female
Age range you’re looking for
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Is there any compensation being given? (Money? Course credit?)
Include the following sentence at the end: “All participants were treated following all ethical guidelines in accordance to the APA Code of Ethical Conduct.”
NOTE: For the Jury Paper, you are NOT writing about the people you collected data from—this information comes later in the manuscript and does not belong in this assignment.
everything used in the study
What demographics are you looking at? Is there a questionnaire for this?
This includes any specific measurements/ surveys you will be using
Are you creating a survey? If so, how do you know it’s reliable and valid?
Describe measurements—be as clear and concise as possible.
If using a measurement from another study, cite any article that can vouch for reliability.
If Likert scale, how many questions? What is the scale? What do the numbers mean? Is this reliable?
If you’re running a task (like a computer program), make sure you explain what’s happening in the task and how it will be administered
Make sure your measurements are measuring what you’re looking for.
Include all important descriptions that are necessary for replication
What are you controlling for? Are you using anything to control for it? How are you controlling for them?
If you are having trained research assistants, make sure you describe anything you are controlling
If you are using confederates, make sure you explain and describe them
Make sure language is concise and consistent (if you call a measurement a “survey”, don’t call it a “questionnaire” later)
How was sampling done? Random sampling?
Was there any random assignment? How was this done? What did you do?
If no random assignment, how were the participants grouped? How do you eliminate extraneous variables?
Step-by-step directions (if applicable). Make it detailed enough so replication is possible
Protocol—Do you have a specific script? What do you say to the participants? If the script is different for different conditions, make sure you indicate this.
Debriefing (if applicable)
Data Analysis
Clearly indicate what type of statistical test you’re using. Make sure the test you choose correctly reflects your study and the type of DV you’re measuring.
Any additional tests you might do. (Large to small)
Be sure to explain the purpose and reason for your statistical test(s). What are these tests looking for? Again, you’re not expected to explain the data you collected, all you have to do is describe the statistical test.
Despite the fact that this is a research assignment, this is still a paper. Transition sentences are still necessary and the rules of writing an essay still apply!
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