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In this course, we will build on your research knowledge and learn advanced research concepts to assist in developing an evidence-based practice. In addition, you will have the opportunity to develop a novel research proposal specific to your role specialization that includes an intervention appropriate to nursing practice.

The theoretical framework is to guide the entire proposal, not just the problem. You needed to select one theory that applies to your proposal. It is unclear why you have discussed 3 theories, and no application of the theories to your proposal is included. It is unclear what your intervention is.

You are not conducting a qualitative study. The assignment calls for a quantitative study with an intervention to be tested.

Selecting a research problem evolves from experience, previous research that offers suggestions for further research, and scholarly literature. A guiding principle for the research question is to select a problem that requires a solution. Determining if there is a gap in the understanding or knowledge about a problem provides clues for the research question.

Once the question is developed, the next step is to write the purpose (aim of the study) and then develop the formal statement of the expected outcomes that can be measured and empirically tested The theoretical framework, research question, purpose, and intervention complement each other. The framework is more than a theory; its purpose is to frame the research study with respect to boundaries and expectations of the results.

The proposal includes sampling methods and measurement of data.

Qualitative studies do not meet the assignment’s criteria. The assignment calls for a quantitive experimental study design.

Alcohol Consumption in Adolescents: Theoretical Framework Intervention is needed.

Michelle J Grant

South University

NSG6101 Nursing Research Methods

Dr Patricia Jenkins

July 2, 2021

Prevalence of Alcohol Consumption in Adolescents: Theorectical Framework

APA does not permit use of the word “Introduction” as a level heading. The first part of a manuscript is assumed to be the introduction. The first paragraph should include the objectives of the paper.

The prevalence of alcohol among adolescents has seen many theorists trying to explain it This is not the purpose of the research proposal. The approaches contain facts the researchers analyzed regarding the prevalence of alcohol consumption among adolescents. Unclear sentence meaning. Determining the alcohol drinking behaviour of early adolescents will help provide important information for the development of vital interventions in reducing the prevalence of drinking alcohol and the delaying of the onset of the drinking in alcohol. This is not your proposal. You are seeking to address the problem with an innovative intervention.

You were to select one theory.

Capitalize proper nouns. The theory of planned behavior has been used to explain why alcohol consumption is prevalent among adolescents. Where is this evidence? Has this theory been applied to alcohol consumption in adolescents? The idea of planned behavior illustrates that three main forces influence a person’s behavior: subjective norm, attitude, and an individual’s perception of control on their behavior (Haydon et al., 2018).

Hayden did not create the theory and the author of the theory is to be given credit. From source:

The TPB’s main premises are that attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control (PBC), are immediate determinants of intentions to enact a particular behavior. Intentions to perform such a behavior are then a direct predictor of that particular behavior (Ajzen, 1991).

Note the name at the end of the citation. The author you cite did not collect this data and cites the source from where the information was retrieved. Failure to give the correct author credit is a form of plagiarism.The basis of these concepts is the factors that influence or prevent the behavior and the impacts of performing the behaviors (Potard et al., 2018). The Potard stuey is about adults who are drinking and driving. How does this align with your proposal? The forces of planned behavior help explain what the triggers that affect adolescents to drink are. Potard did not say this. Logical flow is needed. The theory of planned behavior (TPB) by Icek Ajzen is a theory that is based on psychology and links beliefs to behavior (Ajzen, 2020).? The approach is based on the fact that human behavior is mainly influenced by attitude, perceived behavioral control, and subjective norms.

From Potard:

The TPB suggests that behavioral intention is the most important and direct determinant of an individual’s behavior (Ajzen, 1985, 1991; Madden, Scholder Ellen, & Ajzen, 1992; Yzer, 2012). According to this theoretical approach, three sets of factors influence the intention to adopt health-related behavior: Attitudes, Subjective Norms, and Perceived Behavioral Control (PBC; see Fig. 1)

See APA for correct referencing of secondary sources. Secondary sources are not permitted if the original publication is available. However, the author clearly states that attitude is the center of all three taking the most significant part in controlling human behavior (Ajzen, 2020?). The theory suggests that many people would behave in a particular manner simply because they can effectively perform any given behavior. Unclear sentence meaning. However, the approach is mainly based on explaining a general scenario but fails to explain why behaviors vary within various individuals but only focuses on a broad perspective (Bosnjak et al., 2020). This is unclear.

Sentence fragment The cognitive-behavioral theory (CBT). According to DuBois et al. This study uses network analysis in patients with mental illness and eating disorders. How does this study align with your proposal? (2017), CBT is a theory that talks of how cognition shapes a person’s behaviors. DuBois et al. (2017) argue that a person’s feelings, behyaviors, and thoughts interact to yield a person’s behaviors. There is, therefore, a strong connection between the person’s emotions and the behavioral feelings that they generate. That is in line with the theory of planned behavior, whereby a change in a person leads to a similar change in the feelings they have towards something that induces a similar behavioral response. The thoughts are therefore taken as changeable and can be tuned anyhow to fit a person’s desires. Cognitive Behavioral theory and pharmacological treatment effectiveness are grounded on the maladaptive behavioural theory (Breuninger et al., 2020 Breuinger is about Alcoholics Anonymous. How does this align with your topic. It What has? has proven effective in helping those with alcohol use disorder and those with dependence on alcohol to transform.in adolescents? Where is this evidence? The idea of maladaptive behaviour suggests that the individual learned beliefs and manners of coping could make them act to ultimately damaging them (Kruse et al., 2017). The theory illustrates that what adolescents have previously experienced in their life to cope and soothe negative thoughts will impact how they behave. Kruse study was not about adolescents. Maladaptive decision making in adults with a history of adolescent alcohol use, in a preclinical model, is attributable to the compromised assignment of incentive value during stimulus-reward learning. How is this related to your proposal

You are not conducting a qualitative study. The assignment calls for a quantitive experimental study design.

The qualitative study is designed to ascertain the triggers of an alcohol drinking habit in adolescents using planned behaviour and cognitive behaviour theory as the theoretical framework. The research aims: how the attitudes, subjective norms, and perception of behavioural control in adolescents influence them to consume alcohol and have the intention to drink alcohol? How adolescents’ perceptions have developed in managing situations they are in affects their behaviour psychologically, emotionally, and physically, making them consume alcohol. The study will identify the correlation between the planned behaviour variables, the dependent variables being the intentions to drink alcohol and alcohol consumption—the independent variables to be measured against attitudes, subjective norms, and perception of behavioural control. No, an intervention is needed. The study will also identify the relationship between the variable perception of the adolescents of their situation and the coping mechanisms they have developed influencing their behaviour. . The assignment calls for a quantitive experimental study design.


With the theories addressing the problematic behavior of alcoholism among adolescents, solid foundation about the problem can be approached effectively confronting the huge problem affecting adolescents.? The arguments on the six factors that contribute to the teenagers engaging in the issue of alcoholism is a good beginning for which the problem can start being worked out. Therefore, the theories lays a solid foundation for the topic in question on the prevalence of adolescents into alcoholism. It will help narrow down to the factors analyzing the impacts each might have on the subject before making a solid conclusion. Insert page break here. References begin on top of the next page.


Ajzen, I. (2020). The theory of planned behavior: Frequently asked questions. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2(4), 314-324. https://doi.org/10.1002/hbe2.195

Bosnjak, M., Ajzen, I., & Schmidt, P. (2020). The theory of planned behavior: Selected recent advances and applications. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 16(3), 352. https://doi.org/10.5964/ejop.v16i3.3107

Breuninger, M. M., Grosso, J. A., Hunter, W., & Dolan, S. L. (2020). Treatment of alcohol use disorder: Integration of Alcoholics Anonymous and cognitive behavioural therapy. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 14(1), 19. https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037/tep0000265

DuBois, R. H., Rodgers, R. F., Franko, D. L., Eddy, K. T., & Thomas, J. J. (2017). A network analysis investigation of the cognitive-behavioral theory of eating disorders. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 97, 213-221. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brat.2017.08.004

Haydon, H. M., Obst, P. L., & Lewis, I. (2018). Examining women’s alcohol consumption: The theory of planned behavior and self-identity. Journal title and volume are in italics. The title of the journal needs to be in title case.Substance use & misuse, 53(1), 128-136. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10826084.2017.1327972 The string “https://doi.org/” is a way of presenting a DOI as a link and “xxxxx” refers to the DOI number. https://doi.org/xxxx

Kruse, L. C., Schindler, A. G., Williams, R. G., Weber, S. J., & Clark, J. J. (2017). Maladaptive decision making in adults with a history of adolescent alcohol use, in a preclinical model, is attributable to the compromised assignment of incentive value during stimulus-reward learning. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 11, 134. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnbeh.2017.00134/full

Potard, C., Kubiszewski, V., Camus, G., Courtois, R., & Gaymard, S. (2018). Driving under the influence of alcohol and perceived invulnerability among young adults: An extension of the theory of planned behaviour. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior, 55, 38-46. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1369847816303138

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