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PSY 111 CHAPTER 9 Middle Childhood TV Evaluation Assume the role of


Middle Childhood TV Evaluation

Assume the role of a Developmental Psychologist that is tasked with evaluating a television show for middle childhood (6 to 11 years). For the television show viewed, answer as many of the following questions that apply.

1.Give the title or a brief description of the television program or scene.

2. Is the television program designed specifically for middle childhood? Is there a minimum suggested age for the show? Did it intentionally aim at providing any educational message? If so, what was the intended message? If not, what do you think a child would have learned from viewing the show?

3. Identify several stimuli (e.g., characters, acoustics, colors, themes) that you think a child would most readily attend to, and explain why.

4. How many aggressive or violent acts are in the show? Briefly describe one. Try and explain this scene through the eyes of a child (e.g., what might he or she be thinking or concluding). Did anything occur that you think might promote fear or distress for a young viewer? Why?

5. How many prosocial or humorous acts are in the show? Briefly describe one. Try and explain this scene through the eyes of a child (e.g., what might he or she be thinking or concluding).

6. Are references made to both males and females? How is each portrayed? Were there any role or cultural stereotypes? Was there any comment, scene, or action that might send a message about social norms or expectations (e.g., discipline, materialism, relationships)?

7. Would you let your own child view this television show? Explain why or why not.

Format: Times New Roman, 12 pt., single-spaced, list answers 1 – 7 but be thorough with each answer

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