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Based on your classroom observations, categorize specific examples of good teaching and comment on why this worked. Categorize each example according to general category (classroom management, assessment, activity, student engagement etc.) Use this checklist before submitting your file: 1. Does your paper answer the BIG Question: Based on your observations, what are the qualities of good History/Social Science teaching? 2. Does your paper have good categories to evaluate the teaching you observed? 3. Does your paper include references to the articles we discussed in the first1/3 of the class about historical thinking and teaching skills? 4. Does your paper have a title that indicates something about your argument?

Based on your classroom observations, categorize specific examples of good teaching and comment on why this worked. Categorize each example according to general category (classroom management, assessment, activity, student engagement etc.)

Use this checklist before submitting your file:

1. Does your paper answer the BIG Question:

Based on your observations, what are the qualities of good History/Social Science teaching?

2. Does your paper have good categories to evaluate the teaching you observed?

3. Does your paper include references to the articles we discussed in the first1/3 of the class about historical thinking and teaching skills?

4. Does your paper have a title that indicates something about your argument?


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