2 13 15 Toolkit for health care leader Draft By YOUR NAME




Toolkit for health care leader Draft



Toolkit for health care leader

Workplace Violence (Employee to Employee or patient to employee)

Workplace violence is a critical problem expanding on a larger scale in the healthcare system. Physical violence consists of any kind of threat, terror, harassment, and many other disturbing behaviors. It affects employees, clients, customers, and visitors which eventually shows the immense disruptive health care system. Incidents of violence and many other injuries are the most discussed issue leading towards many death cases in the United States. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI), there is about more than 5000 fatal workplace violence recorded in the U.S in 2017. The emergency department reported some inadequate behavioral issues with the female nurses while on the duty of taking care of patients. There are more than 60% of threats and assaults cases with the staff reported at midnight. Workplace violence is a prevailing concern for employers and employees national and international scale.

There is a distinctive and widespread method used to examine violent behavior in a multi-site hospital. The rate of incidents and ratio were calculated every year (2003-2008) from six hospitals. Incidents rates in individual hospital systems reach from 1.5 to 10.89 including physical and mental health problems in employees recorded. This way of collecting data indicates the ongoing health department risks of having violent incidents exceeding every year. It is helpful to determine the areas where violent incidents prevail. The America research based survey conducted in 2019 by selecting male and female staff in the hospital to analyze the workplace violence. There was about mora than 50% females’ staff such as 5000 employees verbally attacked, criticized and intimidated. The male staff was lesser in ratio as compared with female’s workers.

Regulatory body:

The New York public employee safety and health (PESH) agency is associated with the department of labor and working for the state and local government service. Their initiative is to develop standard ways to protect the safety and health of both state and local workers in New York. Some standards and policies are running within the health care system to sustain reliability. 

Workplace violence prevention program

Emergency Escape


PESH has its own rules and regulation for the immediate recording and reporting of work-related injuries and illnesses.  

The federal agency in the United States created the department of health and human service (DHHS) for the protection and health safety of all Americans and also to take care of their essentials needs. There are some active guidelines or laws within their system to manage violent situations. 

Trust your intuitions while on duties

If you are going through verbal abuse, tell the abuser to behave well. If verbal abuse prevails more, then leave the area and immediately notify your head. 

Be cautious and alert in the situation, where signs like anger, threat, pressure, and physical assault are observed.

Maintain balance behavior on duty and avoid getting close, touching inappropriately, or any other misbehavior. 

Always make it possible to know the exiting door in an emergency or difficult situation. 

Make a phone call to your employer or dial 911 depending upon the severity of the situation. 

The New York and New Jersey Education and research center is one of the dedicated education and research center associated with the National institute for occupational safety and health (NIOSH). This education center is the core of dealing with health safety issues and trained future leaders to understand, evaluate, and manage the workplace violence problems encountered. There are some rules in their system to regulate a healthy environment. 

All the workers need to have their protective equipment to lessen the injury or damage at the workplace. 

Proper training of each staff member should be mandatory about using tools and equipment in the hospitals, or any other working firms.

All the products must be labeled to reduce the health risks for both employees and patients.

Allocation of suitable authoritative staff; manage the workplace violence complaints with equal justice. 

Establishment of effective plans and programs for providing medical and psychological assistance to a person who experiences a traumatic situation at the workplace. 

Establishment of policies to ensure the instant reporting, recording, and evidence of the ferocious incidents .

Workplace violence incidents are becoming a huge plague for the employers who work for the health care departments. The violent acts lead towards extremist situations such as the death of the worker. The misbehavior within the staff or employee can affect the discipline in the health care system. Study shows that some physicians and nursing staff suffered a lot from workplace violence. The most surprising fact is that the ratio of physicians face violent behavior is 16.2 per workers and nurses face 21.9 per 1000 worker of the health care field. Other health care employees and patient’s caretakers have also gone through violent behavior. The worst outcome for the people who had been in a situation of workplace violence faced mental health disorders such as anxiety, dementia, schizophrenia, and stress. Studies show that dementia was found 10% associated with people who faced workplace violence while the other mental health issues were more than 20%

The head of the department and managers are responsible for taking care of their staff or employees who have experienced violence at the workplace. The leader is the person who manages and overcomes the severity of the violent situation. It is supremely hard for the leader to take immediate action by knowing the whole incident with a worker or any other member of the health care system. The stress level becomes more in leader to understand scenario because it is tough to manage all the tasks and provide immediate support to the victim and report to the head or CEO of the health department for further procedure. Today’s young health care leaders are more passionate and committed to their work about managing all the conflicts in the hospitals. There must be a toolkit or guidelines that should be prepared for a better healthcare system and give huge support to the young leader to organize the whole situation inappropriate manner. Leadership commitment can be manifested by creating some effective and preventive programs to stop violent behavior in the healthcare system. Leaders have a responsibility towards employee health safety and encourage equal and ethical behavior with everyone in the department .

Education is the key element to recognize, evaluate and diminish inappropriate behavior. All the team members need to know the responsibility towards duties and read all the terms and policies of the system to work adequately. The solution to resolve the issue related to workplace violence is to review a toolkit based on the management of the severity of incidents within the healthcare system. Therefore, young leaders are less experienced to manage the whole situation; the reviewing of guidelines, rules or policies within toolkit makes it easier for healthcare leader to implement their methods with better performance.

Workplace Violence Toolkit

Active Prevention strategies

For patient and staff safety

Proper security checkup of inside and outside of the people such as risks of weapons, illegal stuff, id proofs and aggressive or panic behavior.

Training of workers

Identification of signals related to violence

Knowledge of medical case history or documents related to patients and whole department.

Know all about Self-defense techniques such as resistance from using body or stuff like pepper sprays.

Keen observer and carrying stuff for safety and prevent violent actions

Patients to staff violence

Take immediate protections to safeguard the patient/individual. If needed, this can include procedures such as take-downs and restraints

. Ensure that all parties involved who have injuries are taken to the hospital to receive appropriate treatment.

Cessation of the caring treatment

Avoid discussing personal things with patients

Instant reporting to the leader or manager for misbehavior

Create or collect possible evidence like videos and pictures of the incidents through other staff member.

Be persistent about the results focused on lessening of violent action through committee.


Complete searching of patients’ stuff or belongings such as seizure, knife, weapons or any other illegal stuff should be collect.

Proper criteria to report a file against person

Execution of the whole situation

Using of code language such as breaking of glass etc.

Patients who will misbehave leaving from hospitals; security calls must be mandatory to escort them off from the area.

Administrative staff need to gather a meeting to evaluate whole process of managing violent situation

All the bills must be payed if not then request a family member to pay their dues.

Educating Team/staff

Suitable designing with the help of active team member is easier for the system to run with proper way.

Provision of incomes, funds and financial solutions distributed as duty of staff member run through administration and head of the department to overcome workplace violence.

Education training should be mandatory to staff or team member to understand the step by sept procedures for regulation of better plan in health care system.

Better communicative template should be available in organization.

Survey and seminar conduction is a proper way of dealing all the conflicts within healthcare system facing employee to employee or patient to employee.

Training or assistance is helpful in knowing patient violent behavior.

Each team member should offer a proper guidance about violence management programs and policy which bring the authenticity in system to investigate, evaluate the threat issues in healthcare department.

Back-up/alternative planning should be mandatory for execution because there are numerous models, plans and programs become limited to resolve the issue on a spot.

Research-based data is sustainable for the team work which is helpful in making of qualitative strategies for system.

Employee to employee violence or harassment

Train leaders in management team to recognize the misbehavior of employee to others

Weekly discussion with all staff members in public and private meeting rooms to know opinions for each other.

If any employee faces harassment; it is the duty of a leader to give a proper time to resolve issue and build a trust level with victim to mitigate the severity of incident.

Communicate with all team members in management to follow right steps and maintain the dignity of a victim and give all the right.

The incidents should keep confidential in team to maintain the privacy of a victim.

Leaders are responsible to take immediate action about harassing or violence problem in health care system and make sure to report the case history to CEO or head of the department.

Provide all employees involved in the incident information on the benefits of an Employee Assistance Program.

Terminate the duty of staff member after the decisions made by whole committee about violating the right of other staff member.

If the person who involved in violent incidents could be doctor or any authoritative person in hospital should canceled their licenses immediately.

Zero tolerance policy towards each member related to violence.

Easy access to reporting system about incidents

Financing of all the counseling or treatment of employee faced violence to save them from suffering through severe mental disorder.

Administration tasks

Clear and transparent report about each case within organization.

The whole management work lead by an effective leader having adequate management skills in past record.

Administrative leave during all investigation procedures.

All the documentation process must be ready to review the incident.

Making of all the termination clause, protection and contract based policies.

Ensure the victim support

Analysis and Duties of leader

Leader and team member in Management analyses the risk factors in internal and external environment.

Health care leaders are o frontline to deal with all tasks and use operative method for proper analysis of the situation like workplace violence with the help of team member.

Collecting authoritative support, examining each events and make a practical decision in department.

Consult with agency legal counsel as necessary.


Arbury, Sheila, Donna Zankowski, Jane Lipscomb, and Michael Hodgson. “Workplace Violence Training Programs for Health Care Workers: An Analysis of Program Elements.” Workplace health & safety 65, no. 6 (2017): 266-272.

Gillespie, Gordon Lee, Donna M Gates, Margaret Miller, and Patricia Kunz Howard. “Workplace Violence in Healthcare Settings: Risk Factors and Protective Strategies.” Rehabilitation nursing 35, no. 5 (2010): 177-184.

McLindon, Elizabeth, Cathy Humphreys, and Kelsey Hegarty. “Hospital Responses to Staff Who Have Experienced Domestic and Family Violence: A Qualitative Study with Survivor Staff and Hospital Managers.” Journal of Gender-Based Violence, (2021).

Papa, A, and Jeanne Venella. “Workplace Violence in Healthcare: Strategies for Advocacy.” The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing 18, no. 1 (2013).

Arnetz, Judith E, Deanna Aranyos, Joel Ager, and Mark J Upfal. “Development and Application of a Population‐Based System for Workplace Violence Surveillance in Hospitals.” American journal of industrial medicine 54, no. 12 (2011): 925-934.



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