Computer Systems, Computer Information Systems and Communication Networks The Case Study

Computer Systems, Computer Information Systems and Communication Networks

The Case Study for this class differentiates among three types of systems: computer systems, computer information systems and communication networks. In general, when we think of systems or networks we actually include all three of these aspects. Each one, however, has its own characteristics and differs from the others in some ways. We will use the differentiations explained here for the purposes of this class and its case study and assignments.

Computer Systems

A computer systems consists of a processing unit (generally, a central processing unit-CPU), one or more forms of memory (RAM, ROM, etc.), and peripheral devices such as keyboards, mice, printers, screens, etc. From a hardware perspective, these systems may be stand-alone devices, like a PC or a laptop or tablet. They be also be combinations of components designed to perform specific functions. The components that are included in these systems differ according the purpose of the system. Some examples are:

Systems that are comprised of sensors that collect data

Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems that gather data in real time to control equipment or processes

Computer aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems

In the case study, the system components that are used to create 3D printed products are considered a computer system. The system performs a manufacturing process as it “prints” the objects. The components needed for this system will be defined separately from the components of the computer information system described below. These are two separate and distinct functions that will be needed to support the 3D printing business in the case study.

Computer Information Systems

By using the word “information” in the term “computer information systems,” we are distinguishing these types of systems from “computer systems” in that their primary function is the creation of information (vs. products). Information systems are all about getting the right information in the most usable format to the right people at the right time and place. An information system is a system whose activities are devoted to capturing, organizing, storing, retrieving, manipulating, communicating and distributing information.

There are several types of information systems. The “Management Pyramid” on p. 159 of the Computer Information Systems textbook shows four types of information systems as: transaction processing (e.g., payroll), management information (e.g., reports), decision support systems (correlate information from various systems for decision-making), and executive information systems (including external information and analysis). For purposes of the small business in the case study, we will focus primarily on transaction processing and management information systems. An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system will be the primary system used by the business owner to manage his business. As described on p. 161 of the Computer Information Systems textbook, this type of information system integrates all of the business processes, information flows, reporting and data analytics in one system. It includes financial data, sales data, customer information, supplier information, etc.

In identifying the components for the computer information system, it may be that some are the same as the components needed to operate the computer system to manufacture the 3D products. In addition, both of these types of systems will definitely be able to share many of the communication network components.

Communication Networks

Communication networks provide the ability for devices to be connected to each other and to “communicate.” Some of these networks are completely dedicated to communications – like the internet, Wi-Fi networks, and the telecom/phone networks. Others form integral parts of computer systems and computer information systems as described above. Networks are generally categorized by their size and scope. The simplest form is a connection of subassemblies contained in a single piece of hardware. A slightly larger form could be represented by a PC with a printer connected. Then, there is the local area network (LAN) which connects components in a single building or location. To reach beyond the local facility, a wide area network is required.

For purposes of the case study, there will be communications connections between the components which may include:

direct connections (like a printer to a PC)

wireless connections within the local facility

wired connections within the local facility

internet connections via an Internet Service Provider (ISP)

As mentioned above, these communication components may be dedicated to either the computer system or the information system, or they may be shared to support both.

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