Week 2 . You are a nurse caring for 26-year-old male positive

Week 2


You are a nurse caring for 26-year-old male positive for Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and recently diagnosed with head and neck cancer. Based on your knowledge of the pathophysiology of this disease process address the following:

Thoroughly explain the epidemiology of the disease process. Examine each of the following three elements:) The cultural; 2.) The financial; and 3.) The environmental implications related to this disease process. Support all three with a scholarly source!

What would 3-5 priority nursing interventions be for the client with this disease process?  This can include labs and diagnostics. What are critical indicators? Support with a scholarly source.

Provide three areas of patient education you feel are critical to teach the client with a diagnosis of this disease. Consider medical product safety and the length of time the client has had the disease. Support with a scholarly source.

What members of the interdisciplinary team need to be included for holistic patient-centered care? Provide a rationale and Support with a scholarly source.

You are a nurse caring for 26-year-old male positive for Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and recently diagnosed with head and neck cancer. Based on your knowledge of the pathophysiology of this disease process address the following:

Thoroughly explain the epidemiology of the disease process. Examine each of the following three elements:) The cultural; 2.) The financial; and 3.) The environmental implications related to this disease process. Support all three with a scholarly source!

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a virus that is commonly linked to causing cervical cancer. The viral infection occurs at the basal epithelium and can either resolve on its own or cause persistent infections which are the cause of individuals developing cancer such as cervical, anal, genital, and oropharyngeal cancers. Once the basal cells are infected by the virus, most will be healed within two years. Most cancers will develop after about 10-30 years of being infected if the infection has not resolved on its own. This can be due to many things such as repeated infections, an individual’s immune system, and genetic predisposure to cancer (Ault, 2006). Anal cancer development is also linked to people who participate in anal sex. Current research continues to grow on the prevalence of cancer related to the type of HPV virus that is infected. Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing if a current HPV infection will later develop into cancer or resolve on its own. Culturally there is a widespread incidence trend with HPV. Anogenital warts which are caused by HPV is the most prevalent sexually transmitted infection in the United States (CDC, 2015). Because it is one of the most widely spread sexually transmitted diseases, there are about 79 million people infected in the United States. This statistic makes it one of the most studied diseases implicating a use of about 8 billion dollars annually to study the disease, management of the disease, and treatment of cervical cancer. Prevention is essentially in reducing the risk of infection or the risk of developing cancer. Although abstinence or monogamous sexual relationship with an individual known to be uninfected partner are the best ways to reduce the risk, prevention strategies such as vaccination, testing, and cervical cancer screenings are just as important ways to decrease the risks of infection (CDC, 2015).


What would 3-5 priority nursing interventions be for the client with this disease process?  This can include labs and diagnostics. What are critical indicators? Support with a scholarly source.

Medical management focuses on the presenting characteristics of the infection which in this case would be the patient’s diagnosis of head and neck cancer. Nursing interventions for this would include management of patient’s cancer treatment such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Maintaining skin integrity to the affected area in order to prevent further infection would be a priority by maintaining the oral mucosa moist and clean and frequently assessing for open lesions or warts. Verifying HPV assay testing is done observing specifically for HPV type 16 or 18 as these are highly linked to cancer (CDC,2015). Providing nutrition therapy or requesting a dietary consult due to where the cancer is located considering this may impair the patient’s nutrition. Pain management would be another priority considering their will be lesions or warts in the oropharyngeal area.  

Provide three areas of patient education you feel are critical to teach the client with a diagnosis of this disease. Consider medical product safety and the length of time the client has had the disease. Support with a scholarly source.

HPV prevention strategies such as vaccination, testing, and safe sex practices (Mayo Clinic, 2018)

Oncological treatment

After care for surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation treatments (Mayo Clinic Staff, n.d.)


What members of the interdisciplinary team need to be included for holistic patient-centered care? Provide a rationale and Support with a scholarly source.

Oncologist to create a treatment plan for the head and neck cancer.

Dietician to ensure nutrition needs are met or alternatives are considered due to the implications of the area of the cancer and possible trouble eating caused by treatment.

Infectious disease Specialist to monitor the HPV infection.

Respiratory Therapist to ensure patent airway throughout treatment regimen.




Ault K. A. (2006). Epidemiology and natural history of human papillomavirus infections in the female genital tract. Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2006, 40470. https://doi.org/10.1155/IDOG/2006/40470

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2015). Immunology and vaccine-preventable diseases – Pink Book – Human papillomavirus. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/hpv.pdf

‌Mayo Clinic (2018). Is HPV linked to cancers in men? https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hpv-infection/expert-answers/hpv/faq-20057761

‌ Mayo Clinic Staff. (n.d.) HPV related oral cancers. www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/head-and-neck-cancers/multimedia/hpv-head-neck-cancers-infographic/ifg-20455682. Accessed 10 Sept. 2020.

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