Consulting Contact This written assignment will assist in envisioning your Final Project.

Consulting Contact

This written assignment will assist in envisioning your Final Project. Prepare a strategy for contacting a corporation to promote your services as a corporate health and wellness consultant specializing in environmental toxicants who can help employees prevent undue health effects and address existing related health problems.

For the final project the toxicant(s) may be any of your choosing from the course – related to air, land, or water. For the purposes of the current assignment it is not necessary to choose what toxicant(s) you will address.

Support your case with:

Reasons you should be hired;

The potential services you are able to provide; and,

Generate an appropriate fee structure assuming you will offer four employee workshops and also be available for individual consultation with interested employees (i.e., $xx per workshop and $xx per individual session).

Use the course text as well as a minimum of two outside scholarly references to support the reasons you should be hired and the value of the potential services you could provide.

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