As we know, the media in the United States has become more

As we know, the media in the United States has become more and more biased in its coverage of current events, in particular political developments. To review, the media formats here in the United States are as follows:

1) Television;

2) Internet (this includes social media platforms, as well as streaming video);

3) Radio (yes, there are Americans who still rely on radio for news and information);

4) Print media, such as books, news magazines and newspapers (newspapers were once the primary source of news for Americans; I still read the newspaper every day);

5) Recorded audio and video.

Now, conventional thinking among many Americans dictates that bias in the media is not a positive thing. After all, it can make it harder for us to discern fact from opinion, and also compel us to continually ask the question “Am I getting the ‘full picture’ of the situation at hand?” However, there are political scientists who will espouse the notion that media bias is a positive thing. These individuals state that bias in the media exposes us to differing points of view, as well as provides us a choice as to the media outlet or outlets that correspond with our own political principles and ideals.

While these political scientists do have a valid point worthy of consideration, others may say that the idea that media bias is a positive thing rests upon the assumption that Americans are already knowledgeable about the facts surrounding our government, its institutions and leaders, and the issues they deal with on a regular basis. However, as students will see with the other discussion thread option for this week, there are many Americans who know very little about American politics and government.

Now, it is time for you to share your thoughts on this topic. When answering the questions above for this option this week, also take some time to think about how we can change things relative to bias in the media. Or, perhaps you feel we should simply leave things alone. It is all up to you to decide.

Also, please take a look at the following video relative to what we are going to be discussing on this board (the video is for consideration only and does not necessary reflect my personal viewpoints or opinions). However, the video will help you gain an even deeper understanding of the topic for this thread. This brief video discusses the presence of bias in the media, as well as a way by which to measure this bias across different media outlets. (Links to an external site.)

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