Week 2 6 Part 1: DISCUSSION To familiarize yourself with how data

Week 2



To familiarize yourself with how data can drive health promotion programs specifically for college students, visit the American College health Association/National College Health Assessment website at http://www.acha-ncha.org/ (Links to an external site.) 

Read ‘About ACHA-NCHA’ for an overview of the organization’s purpose in collecting data about the health habits and behaviors of college students.

Click on:


Results from the ACHA-NCHA IIc, Fall 2015 to present

Reference group executive summary spring 2021 pdf

I have uploaded the most resent spring 2021/Reference Group Executive Summary (pdf) in the module for this week as well

 You’ll see the areas below under  ‘II. Findings:’

A. General Health of College Students

B. Disease and Injury Prevention

C. Academic Impacts

D. Violence, Abusive Relationships and Personal Safety

E. Tobacco, Alcohol, and Marijuana Use

F. Sexual Behavior

G. Nutrition and Exercise

H. Mental Health

I. Sleep

SELECT one of the areas and respond to the following:

1) What are the top 3 health issues in this area?

2) Select one of the 3 health issues. Describe a health promotion program/activity/campaign that could address that particular health issue.  What level of prevention is your program (primary, secondary, or tertiary) and explain why? 

POST your responses to the Discussion Board.  Type the NAME of the health area in the SUBJECT of your message.  

Part 2: Case Study

 1. Review the Case Study on page 28 of your textbook.. 

2) Respond to the questions at the end of the Case Study (Beginning with “Assume that you are one of these other employees…”

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