SOC 391 Fall 2021 Final Exam Name_______________________ You must answer the following

SOC 391

Fall 2021 Final Exam


You must answer the following question. 3 pages or less (60 points).

In the first chapter of the textbook, author Kenneth Allen introduces the notion of a “theoretical tool box”: The things each person finds most useful from the study of sociological theory and takes with them to use throughout their life. Reflect back upon your study of sociological theory this semester and identify the thing or things you learned that you think are the most important and useful in terms of understanding society, and how it helps inform your current and future life. Be sure to define and explain whatever concepts and ideas you write about and explain why you found them so important. To receive full credit you need to use example to support your response.

Answer one of the following questions. 2 pages or less (40 points).

Anthony Giddens says that modern societies are characterized by increasingly disembedded structures. Explain what he means by that and what two factors have made disembedded structures possible. Be sure to use examples to support your response.

Briefly identity how Marx defined social class and what the shortcomings of his model were. Explain how Erik Olin Wright improved on Marx’s model of social class by detailing his model of social class. Hint: Be sure to address the concept of contradictory class locations.

In the last part of this class we learned that DuBois, Smith, and Collins each stressed the importance of understanding the point of view of oppressed or disadvantaged people. Discuss what each of those theorists had to say about point of view of disadvantaged people and why it is important to study and understand the world from that perspective.

Hardcopies Due Tuesday, December 14th at 11:00am
To be uploaded to Canvas by 11:00pm.

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