1. Why is there a shorter lactation period in eutherians compared to

1. Why is there a shorter lactation period in eutherians compared to marsupials?

2. What are the two significant morphological developments that occurred in hominins and how did they contribute to their success?

3. Why is the redevelopment of lost forestland so important to combat the effects of global warming?

4. Explain why invasive organisms are so problematic for the ecosystems they have been introduced into.

5. A population’s phenotype is strongly affected by two genes, A and B. Each gene has two alleles, A/a and B/b, respectively. The population gives birth to a group of offspring that has a distribution of 60 A and 40 a alleles, along with 30 B and 70 b alleles. Assuming these offspring will only mate with each other when they get to reproductive age, what is the likelihood of producing an individual that is heterozygous for both alleles? What might cause our predictions to be incorrect?

6. Generally, will natural selection result in an increase or decrease in variation? Why does this happen and how, in theory, will it affect evolution in the future?

7. Explain why, from an evolutionary standpoint, the ability of an organism to recognize members of its own species develops.

8. In the following figure, taxa A and B are grouped together (red box) based on the characteristic indicated by ☆ (which is not found in any other groups). What kind of phylogenetic group is this and what kind of trait is denoted by ☆? Explain your reasoning.

9. Why do we still see organisms reproduce asexually? In what situations and organisms would we expect to see asexual reproduction occur?

10. What is the main purpose of a seed? What is the equivalent stage found in fungi and some animals? How do each of these stages achieve this main purpose?

11. How can indirect development be beneficial? Why can it lead to greater levels of species diversity?

12. Why did movement of tetrapods on land lead to rapid diversification and large increases in diversity? Make sure to use the appropriate terminology that describes this phenomenon.

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