PSYC 355 SPSS Homework: Chi Square Tests Assignment Instructions Overview This assignment

PSYC 355

SPSS Homework: Chi Square Tests Assignment Instructions


This assignment is designed to increase your statistical literacy and proficiency in conducting and interpreting the chi square test of goodness of fit and the chi square test of independence. You will be completing one of each type of test in SPSS, using data that are related to specific research scenarios in the behavioral sciences, such as psychology, social work, and counseling. Behind the scenes knowledge of how this test is conducted is fundamental to being able to understand and apply research in your related field to your practice. Additionally, SPSS skills are professionally valuable, as it is one of the most commonly used statistical software packages in behavioral science settings, both academic and professional.


This assignment includes two problem sets that contain research scenarios and related questions.

For each scenario, you will run an analysis in SPSS. The required product will include the SPSS output, an APA-style Results section describing the results, and the appropriate graph inserted as a Figure in APA style.

For all problems, interpret results based on an alpha level of  = .05.

Please review the Watch: SPSS Homework Tutorial: Chi Square Test for Goodness of Fit and the Watch: SPSS Homework Tutorial: Chi Square Test for Independence for directions on how to run the statistical test, as well as the Watch: Results Sections in APA Style for the Chi Square Test for Goodness of Fit and the Watch: Results Sections in APA Style for the Chi Square Test for Independence, which include a template for completing an APA-style Results section for the two types of chi square tests. The scenarios begin on the next page.

Problem Set 1: Chi Square Test of Goodness of Fit

Research Scenario: A forensic psychologist is running a jury study to examine factors that influence jury decisions. He hires actors to conduct a mock trial with the characteristics of actual criminal trials, with the exception that the “jury” is larger than 12 people in order to have a larger sample. At the end of the mock trial, he polls the jury participants and asks them what their decision would be regarding the defendant: vote to convict, vote to acquit, or undecided. He records the frequencies of answers in the table below.

Using this table, enter the data into a new SPSS data file and run a Chi Square Test of Goodness of Fit to test whether the proportions are equal across categories. Remember to weight cases as shown in the presentation. Create a simple bar chart to show the relationship between the variables. Follow the directions below the table to complete the homework.

Problem Set 1: Chi Square Test of Goodness of Fit

Research Scenario: A forensic psychologist is running a jury study to examine factors that influence jury decisions. He hires actors to conduct a mock trial with the characteristics of actual criminal trials, with the exception that the “jury” is larger than 12 people in order to have a larger sample. At the end of the mock trial, he polls the jury participants and asks them what their decision would be regarding the defendant: vote to convict, vote to acquit, or undecided. He records the frequencies of answers in the table below.

Using this table, enter the data into a new SPSS data file and run a Chi Square Test of Goodness of Fit to test whether the proportions are equal across categories. Remember to weight cases as shown in the presentation. Create a simple bar chart to show the relationship between the variables. Follow the directions below the table to complete the homework.

Vote to convict


Vote to acquit




Paste SPSS output. (10 pts)

Write an APA-style Results section based on your analysis. Include your bar chart as an APA-style Figure as demonstrated in the APA writing presentation. (Results = 12 pts; Figure = 8 pts)


Problem Set 2: Chi Square Test for Independence

Research Scenario: A social psychologist is studying the effects of wealth on driving behavior. Based on the work of Paul Piff and his colleagues on entitlement and the “empathy gap” (2012), she positions research assistants and one acting “pedestrian” at a crosswalk in a state where drivers are required by law to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks as soon as the pedestrian steps into the crosswalk from the curb. As a car approaches, the pedestrian steps into the crosswalk, and research assistants record whether the car yields or not. They also record the type of car as either a more affordable “standard” model or a high-end, expensive “luxury” model. The results are listed in the table below.

Using this table, enter the data into a new SPSS data file and run a Chi Square Test for Independence to test whether the price of the car is independent of whether or not the driver stops for a pedestrian. Remember to weight cases as shown in the presentation. Create a clustered bar chart to show the relationship between the variables. Follow the directions below the table to complete the homework.

The original article:

Piff, P., Stancato, D.M., Côté, Stéphane, Mendoza-Denton, R., and Keltner, D. (2012). Higher social class predicts increased unethical behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(11), 4086-4091.

Problem Set 2: Chi Square Test for Independence

Research Scenario: A social psychologist is studying the effects of wealth on driving behavior. Based on the work of Paul Piff and his colleagues on entitlement and the “empathy gap” (2012), she positions research assistants and one acting “pedestrian” at a crosswalk in a state where drivers are required by law to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks as soon as the pedestrian steps into the crosswalk from the curb. As a car approaches, the pedestrian steps into the crosswalk, and research assistants record whether the car yields or not. They also record the type of car as either a more affordable “standard” model or a high-end, expensive “luxury” model. The results are listed in the table below.

Using this table, enter the data into a new SPSS data file and run a Chi Square Test for Independence to test whether the price of the car is independent of whether or not the driver stops for a pedestrian. Remember to weight cases as shown in the presentation. Create a clustered bar chart to show the relationship between the variables. Follow the directions below the table to complete the homework.

The original article:

Piff, P., Stancato, D.M., Côté, Stéphane, Mendoza-Denton, R., and Keltner, D. (2012). Higher social class predicts increased unethical behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(11), 4086-4091.

1 Stopped for pedestrian

2 Did not stop for pedestrian

1 Standard Model



2 Luxury Model



Paste SPSS output. (10 pts)

Write an APA-style Results section based on your analysis. Include your clustered bar chart as an APA-style Figure as demonstrated in the APA writing presentation. (Results = 12 pts; Figure = 8 pts)

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