STEP 1 Choose one book review Read one or both of these

STEP 1 Choose one book review

Read one or both of these two short book reviews:


The Road Less Traveled: The Secret Battle to End the Great War, 1916–1917Zelikow addresses the question of whether Woodrow Wilson could have mediated a peace deal to end World War I before the United States joined the fray.Foreign Affairs

HINT: Lawrence Freedman wrote this article which is a review of Zelikow’s book “The Road Less Traveled..”  (Freedman is the ‘reviewer’)



Civilizations: A NovelBinet playfully imagines a counterfactual history in which the Aztecs and the Incas conquer western Europe.Foreign Affairs

HINT: Richard Feinberg wrote this article which is a review of Laurent Binet’s book “Civilizations: A Novel.”  (Feinberg is the ‘reviewer’). Note also that the book was originally written by Binet in French but was translated into English by Sam Taylor, but you don’t have to mention that unless you want to. 




Type a 1-2 page essay, single-spaced (approximately 800-1200 words):

Follow this format:

(A) In one paragraph, explain the main points of the book review:

What is the title of the article? Who wrote it? When was it published?

Where was it published, or what journal published it?  

What book is the author reviewing? (Give the title, author, date of publication)

What does the reviewer say about this book?

How does this book suggest a “what if” scenario?



(B)  Then think about an event that we discussed in class (since the last response paper) that was a “turning point” in history. That is, how did this event decide the direction of history, or change the outcome?

    Describe this event. DO NOT DO ADDITIONAL RESEARCH. Refer only to what we discussed in class and the material on Blackboard. CITE any specific articles or class material.

   This should be at least half of your paper. Give specific details, names, dates, places, etc.


The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

The Spanish Civil War

Vichy France as Nazi collaborator

The U.S. invasion of North Africa in 1942 (Operation Torch, during the “Hinge of Fate”)

The Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor

Kennan’s “long telegram”

Churchill’s “Iron Curtain speech”

The development of nuclear weapons

The Cuban Missile Crisis

The Potsdam Conference 

The Soviet launch of Sputnik in 1957

The fall of the Berlin Wall


         ***Include these three points:***

What happened?

Who, what, when, where?

WHY was this event a turning point in history? How did it cause something significant to happen, or prevent something? How did it change history?

(C) Summarize with a final paragraph giving your opinion or conclusion.

 **Really put some thought into this question!**

 For example,

Do you think this event could have been avoided? How?

What do you think would have happened if this event had not occurred?

What could have been done differently that would change history?

This paragraph should be at least three substantial sentences. 


Make sure it is clear you have read the book review.

Demonstrate that you have thought about the book review and what we studied earlier in the semester, analyzed and compared them.  However, DO NOT just copy a discussion post.

If you quote anything in the book review, or use specific information from Blackboard material, you must cite it.  For this short paper, you can insert the author’s name at the end of the passage or paragraph.

              For example: President Wilson didn’t follow through with the push it needed. (Freedman)


You do not need a “Sources Cited” page or a bibliography. 

Conclude with a thoughtful opinion. You should give specific examples or reasons to back up your opinion.

In other words, you will present a lot of information but it will be well organized, concise, and to the point.  




Click on “Response Paper #3 Submission” above.

Scroll down the page.

Then click on “Text Submission” and paste your paper text in the box. OR you can attach a file under “Attach files.”  Please DO NOT type or paste your answers in the “Comments” section.



NOTE: You will be asked to click in the box to allow your answer to be submitted to Global Reference Data.  It is optional.



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