5 Organizational development in restaurants. Students Name: Institutions Affiliation: Instructors Name: Course


Organizational development in restaurants.

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Organizational development in restaurants.

Marshak, R. J., & Bushe, G. R. (2018). Planned and generative change in organizational development. OD practitioner, 50(4), 9-15.

Organizational development is an important aspect that helps every startup or business to prosper. Organizational development helps to focus on improving an organization’s capabilities. All the strategies, rewards, people, structure, and management processes should be aligned with the mission and vision of the organization for success. Organizational development also involves all the functions that could be long-range, systematic, and ongoing to drive organizational effectiveness by solving problems, hence promoting organizational performance. It also requires talent development for improved productivity.

According to Marshak in his journal, organizational development is a tool that helps managers to be ready for the problems that may arise in management, hence offering the best solution for better performance. For instance, there are so many challenges in restaurants that may lead to the closure of the business or a destroyed reputation, hence business failure. Therefore, a restaurant should seek to maintain the highest standards, starting from cleanliness to the highest standards of quality food. The only way a restaurant or fast food business can achieve a competitive advantage is by maintaining high operations standards.

In the journal by Marshak, there are five phases incorporated in organizational development to ensure high-performance levels. The first phase is the entry-level, where the management seeks to identify the problem, opportunities, or situation to understand the project’s scope to be matched with the problem. The second phase is the diagnosis section, which entails gathering the relevant information concerning the issue and analyzing it accordingly. Feedback is the third phase, which involves establishing an action plan to outline the change solution that should be developed. The fourth phase takes into account all the metrics of implementation, such as the risk management plan. Finally, the evaluation phase entails analyzing the success indicators and the recommendations for continuous improvement.

Torlak, N. G., Demir, A., & Budur, T. (2019). Impact of operations management strategies on customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions at café-restaurants. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.

In this journal, Torlak and friends discuss Organizational development in restaurants by mentioning strategies for customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions to increase performance. According to Torlak, an organization’s capacity, such as a restaurant, to prosper must be related to all management strategies. For instance, the location of the business determines the ability of the company to thrive. No restaurant can survive the challenging times caused by advanced technology without maintaining proper hygiene. The essence of a restaurant is to offer food to people in exchange for money, so the management should always ensure that the quality and quantity of food should be high.

The behavioral intentions at a food business should be incorporated to promote success and high performance. Behavioral intention involves motivational factors that may influence the best behavior in a restaurant for high performance. The stronger the purpose, the better the behavior will be performed. In an organization, the management should encourage only the behavior that is acceptable and approved by even society. For instance, honesty, trustworthiness, respect, and intelligence are paramount in a restaurant business. The customer should be handled with much care and honor to encourage repeat business. Every employee in a restaurant should be appropriately dressed and with the best code of language that provokes a smile in a customer. When the customer is happy, the business will prosper without struggle.

Mun, S. G., & Jang, S. S. (2018). Restaurant operating expenses and their effects on profitability enhancement. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 71, 68-76.

This journal addresses the importance of organizational development in restaurants in the enhancement of profitability. According to Mun, the operating expenses in a food business are the most crucial aspects that may affect the business’s profitability if they are not handled in the best effective way. Therefore, restaurants should employ efficient cost management strategies that will help startups to achieve a competitive advantage. The restaurant market is highly competitive because the world is changing dramatically through technology, hence improved services. Therefore, every organization should seek to strengthen the weak financial structure of the restaurant business. A soft financial structure makes the company struggle to meet all the customers’ expectations, hence poor quality services that may bring down the business.

This journal, therefore, provides insight on how to examine the operating expenses of the restaurant firms, which gives way to proper and practical strategies that enhance profitability. For instance, the business segment and firm size should go hand in hand with the size of the capital at hand. The size of the revenue accrued from the business will depend on the size of the restaurant, but the size of the company relies mainly on the available startup capital. The bigger the industry, the greater the expenses, and practical financial management should help balance the requirements. The salary paid for services in a big restaurant is higher than in a small restaurant. A full-service restaurant needs to improve its operational performance continuously. Therefore, sophisticated cost retrenchment skills are necessary to help improve the quality of services by balancing productivity and revenues.

Haas, S., Kuehl, E., Moran, J. R., & Venkataraman, K. (2020). How restaurants can thrive in the next normal. McKinsey & Company, May, 1-8.

This article by Haas addresses the performance of food businesses in the event of challenges such as the Coronavirus pandemic. There is a need to develop strategies that will help a restaurant business thrive amidst storms. Challenges in the industry must always be there, so the management of every business should be highly sensitive to the finer details that may cause business failure and deal with them accordingly. Due to the high competition around the restaurant market, every business should incorporate innovative and creative measures to help them survive. For instance, during the pandemic, all restaurants should try to digitalize all the customer engagements, including the dining options that will help outlast the crisis.

Incorporating a digital experience involves deep personalization, hence the change in decision making when it comes to merchandising, pricing and promotions. Proper decision-making helps retain the customer portfolio because all the standards in a restaurant are met to promote repeat business. Also, every food business should always have the capacity to optimize footprint, which involves making tough decisions about entering or exiting a given geographical region. Expanding a business is a very critical activity. So a cross-functional team may be needed to help strategize and do a field observation, hence coming up with the best decision that will foster success. It will also be necessary for the business to rethink the restaurant design and reinvent the menu to meet all the desires of the customer in case a change is needed.

Ncube, F., Kanda, A., Chijokwe, M., Mabaya, G., & Nyamugure, T. (2020). Food safety knowledge, attitudes, and practices of restaurant food handlers in a lower‐middle‐income country. Food science & nutrition, 8(3), 1677-1687.

This book discusses the best interventions for a restaurant business that will help to improve their performance. According to Ncube, the food business is a sensitive one that calls good attitude, behavior, and values. The best attitude will help the management and all the stakeholders go the extra mile in ensuring the business’s success. The chefs need to show off their delicacy by providing the best quality and uniquely delicious food. However, without good communication, especially between the serving staff and the customers, delightful food may not succeed. Also, greed and dishonest measures are killers of the food business, so the management should engage only good-mannered stakeholders.

Before starting a restaurant, the entrepreneur should understand the importance of food safety. The food handlers department requires that restaurants maintain a high standard of hygiene to avoid food poisoning that will affect the customers. Complaints of food poisoning from a customer can cost the restaurants’ reputation, which may lead to low customers, hence failure. Therefore, organizational development strategies are essential in the food business because it deals directly with the people and their basic needs. It is crucial thus to satisfy the needs of the customers, and when the customer is happy, the business prospers.

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