The Final Exam will consist of all essay questions relevant to the

The Final Exam will consist of all essay questions relevant to the course content, material, readings, discussions and assignments. The goal is for you to have gained insight and knowledge relevant to the course outcomes. Therefore, your Final Exam will reflect on the course outcomes and your understanding of these outcomes by written essay.

Your Final Exam shall be written in APA format and follow the template provided. You will need to provide a minimum of one (1) reference for each question, which is a total of five (5) references. APA format is written in Times New Roman 12-point font. The Final exam shall consist of a minimum of 200 words per question for a total of a minimum 1000 words.

REMEMBER this is to be in your own words and thoughts, no direct quotes are permitted.

Final Exam Essay Questions:

Distinguish symptoms of alcohol-related substance use disorders and summarize the economic, personal, and societal cost of alcoholism in the United States.

Differentiate and evaluate the various models explaining alcohol dependence.

Analyze biological, psychological, sociological, familial and spiritual manifestations of alcohol dependency.

Examine various evaluation instruments and their application to intervention, referral, placement, treatment approaches/techniques and after-care.

Evaluate how issues related to alcohol dependence apply to specific special populations (e.g. women, adolescents, college students, elderly, workplace, military, etc.)

When you have finished make sure that the Final Exam is saved as a Word document (.doc or .docx) and upload to TURNITIN before submitting for grading.

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