Comm. 11 Reasoning and Analysis Paper For this assignment, you will write

Comm. 11 Reasoning and Analysis Paper

For this assignment, you will write a 3-page (750-1000 words) paper in which you explore the relationship(s) in one of the films listed below. The film will be used as a case study throughout your paper. Your analysis should use at least three class concepts to explain the relationship difficulties/breakups portrayed in the film. Your research paper should do the following:

Provide a short summary of the film that highlights the important characters and the origin of their conflict.

Apply communication concepts to analyzing the interactions throughout the film. At least one concept featured in your research paper should be from your speech.

Follow the requirements listed in the assignment rubric (an effective thesis statement, effective organization of ideas, using a minimum of three sources to support your argument, provide a personal experience that supports your argument, and effective use of MLA formatting/writing conventions).

Use one of the following films as a case study: The Big Sick (Amazon Prime), Roma (Netflix), or Silver Linings Playbook (Netflix).

Papers must be submitted to the dropbox on Blackboard by 11:59 pm EST on December 13, 2021.

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