CJUS 200 Reflection Paper Assignment Instructions Overview The purpose of this reflection

CJUS 200

Reflection Paper Assignment Instructions


The purpose of this reflection paper is to provide a summative assessment of what you have learned from this class. Hopefully, you will apply this newly gained knowledge to future academic and professional endeavors. Your perceptions of law enforcement, the courts, and the correctional system are essential and need to be grounded in truth. The criminal justice field needs Godly men and women who stand on biblical principles and represent Christ Jesus to an uncertain world.


In your reflection paper, support your views with the required reading and study materials for this week, or other scholarly articles published within the last five years to support your statements.

Four in-text citations are required for this assignment using current APA formatting.

Your paper must be formatted using 12 pt. Times New Roman font, with a 400-word minimum/425-word maximum double-spaced.

Assignment questions, title page, and reference section will be excluded from the word count.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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