1.The narrative of Assata’s poems have to do with the significance of

1.The narrative of Assata’s poems have to do with the significance of having a strong sense of personal, ethnic, and cultural identity. As well as identity being a major focal point and theme in these poems as well. She feels that if you don’t have a strong sense of identity within yourself, you lose yourself essentially and fall into the hands of societies norms. A key narrative is so matter how much the odds are against you, you must stay true to who you are at all times. She was a Black Panther radical and apart of a movement where so many were killed or incarcerated, and I feel that is a very profound part of Assata’s appeal to readers. Another theme in her poems include that of motherhood, and how being who she is and going to jail for it, provided a barrier with her connecting with her own daughter. The final theme that closes off all themes, is that of love which proves to be the light at the end of her tunnel after all the conflict and struggle.

2. Assata Shakur was a person of color who was revolutionary convicted of the murder of state trooper which happen in 1973. Reading her poems was very interesting and intriguing especially since she uses her poems to set the tone for each chapter of her life. What her poems add is that Assata encompasses many of her life experiences into a poem. She stated “I have walked on cut glass. I have eaten crow and blunder bread and breathed the stench of indifference”. By writing this poem she allows the reader to expect the emotion the people and her were feeling in the next page. This poem highlights Assata’s ability to rise above the opposition she has faced throughout her life of oppression. Now seeing the economic and social disparity between whites and blacks in the past, being the target and victim of racial discrimination due to the abuse of power by higher authority towards blacks, the idea of knowing how to read, the friends who contributed to her ideologies and the groups to which she joined, have created her revolutionary ideologies. Reading this and seeing what Assata was feeling showed the steps and strength process that made her a woman with strong ideals and empowerment in order to fight for her rights.

Assata has been in the south especially in many different boroughs in New York City. In the environment there were catholics, christian churches, segregated and integrated schools, projects and condos, male and female jails and courtrooms. Each place that was shown in Assata poem encounters the good and bad changes that Assata experienced contributed to her growth throughout her journey. The main place in her neighborhood that affected her positively is south, Harlem, Brooklyn and Greenwhich Village since it contributed very much to her growth. Even when she had the guidance of her grandmother and her aunt Evelyn, she was exposed to many things that develop who she was in the rough time of racial discrimination. 

While reading this, I was extremely into this story since I got to understand what someone was feeling in the past. While reading this, the main themes that appeared to me are racism which played a huge part, sexism, Misogynoir which is when she decides to run away to the village, and hatred. Assata has encountered hate from the many places she has moved across due to her being a black woman. She was taught that the world can be ruthless and cruel to people it considers “weak”. We can also see racism as a parasite in this world by treating minorities as lesser beings. We can see this with the prison and how we see prison labor get compared to slavery. The book even mentions that most likely that is why minorities are often targeted in prison because it is a form a slavery to abuse and put down people. Even with all this oppression and racism, we can see Assata’s resilience.

3. • Assata’s poems: What do they add to the narrative? What insight do they give you about Assata’s inner thoughts?
I believe Assata’s poems allow her readers to empathize with her. Her poems reminded me that I am listening to a woman, a creator, not a militant radical as the media portrayed her and her fellow Black Panther members. 

• What spaces/ neighborhoods does she move through? Note them and how each of them either shapes the story and what it means to Assata.
Some examples of spaces that Assata moves through include the south, cities in the north, Cuba, and detention centers. As for the south, Assata spent days in her childhood where her identity regarding her racial background was developed by the influence of the Jim Crow laws. Though the northern cities were not free of racism, Assata experienced less racism than in the south. As for detention centers, was subjected to abuse by the prison and court system as well as put into solitary confinement. 

• Keep track of major themes that emerge in the story as you read. It’s a good idea to mark examples of them in the text and make a small note in your notebook.
Some themes in Assata include identity, resilience, gender, religion, and culture. Identity was a major theme as Assata’s environment and interactions with individuals around her shaped her identity. Additionally, the significance of identity in Assata’s autobiography illuminated the consciousness in America that influence the minds of our youth. Resilience is also a major theme as Assata was able to overcome all adversaries because of her strong character and self-respect.

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