Scenario: You have been required to prepare and present a report to

Scenario: You have been required to prepare and present a report to the top management team of a world class organization that explains the production and supply chain management processes from an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) perspective.

Develop a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you complete the following:

Describe the basic functions of the production and supply chain management modules of the ERP system. An Exceptional discussion will include which modules of an ERP relate to the components of the supply chain as follows:
– The Plan
– Procurement
– Production
– Distribution
Customer Service
Express why the ERP is vital to creating overall efficiencies and the supply chain management process. An exceptional discussion will include how an ERP improves the quality, and efficiency of information communication internally, and between the organization and its customers and suppliers.
Provide the process for entering and processing production planning data in an ERP system. An exceptional discussion will identify and illustrate data entry processes from ERP/MRP systems researched form the text or other sources.
Explain how information can be shared with suppliers in order to increase supply chain efficiency. An exceptional discussion will include research into information sharing technologies in addition to any described in the text and will identify in detail the critical data elements that must be shared between an organization and its suppliers.
Ensure that your paper is descriptive and delivers a sound solution to the organization’s issue, as well as descriptive language and is consistent with APA guidelines.

Format the paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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