Take Home Final: Reflection Essay Due in Canvas Wednesday, December 15 at

Take Home Final: Reflection Essay

Due in Canvas Wednesday, December 15 at 1:30pm

Worth 100 points or 10% of your grade.

The link to submit your final will open on December 14 at 12:01am and close on December 15 at 1:30pm. No extensions.

Your essay must be uploaded as a file in one of the following formats: PDF, DOC, DOCX

A reflection essay is a personal narrative that focuses on learning and growth.

In a minimum of 350-500 words, reflect on what you learned about narrative structure and storytelling this semester.


Essay. Your essay can be conventional. That is, with a thesis statement and examples to support your points about your learning and growth.


Creative Writing. You are welcome to take a creative approach. You might decide to:

tell the story of your learning and growth as a journey;

write a Question & Answer style interview with yourself;

or craft poems or songs.

Just be sure whatever genre you choose, the focus of the piece is on your own learning and growth.

Whether essay or creative piece, you should illustrate your points by using specific examples from our class. These examples can include: writing assignments, readings, exercises, group activities, discussions, SCIL visit, etc).

Trouble getting started? Here is a list of brainstorming questions you can use to generate ideas.

Brainstorming Questions for your Reflection Essay

Here are some questions to stimulate your thinking. Don’t try to answer them all! Seize on one (or two) questions that you feel compelled to respond to in an essay/story of 350 – 500 words.

What experiences with writing, reading, and ARVR did you draw from in your approach to this class?

What new knowledge and skills have you developed as a writer and storyteller?

How did the journal assignments support your drafting process? Would you consider keeping a writer’s journal in the future? Why or why not?

How did you surprise yourself this semester?

How has what you have learned in ARVR 210 affected you professionally? Personally?

How has your relationship to creative writing and storytelling changed over the semester?

How has your relationship to reading and experiencing stories changed? How has the knowledge of narrative structure and storytelling you gained this semester changed your perspective on the movies, stories, and games you enjoy?

What assignment (or assignments) were the most challenging and why? What did you learn from completing them?

How would you explain what you learned in ARVR 210 to someone who hasn’t taken the class?

What was your quest or adventure in this class?

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