3 1 Annotated Bibliography Marketing: Strategic Innovation in Globally Diverse Markets Instructor



Annotated Bibliography

Marketing: Strategic Innovation in Globally Diverse Markets

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Annotated Bibliography

The present day business environment is quite complex and highly competitive. Therefore, companies are required to do a detailed analysis prior to any venture. At the same time, analysis ought to be done internally to ensure that operations are running smoothly. This paper discusses macro environment, brand, task environment, market functioning, and Strategy audit, which can help companies to improve their performance and gain competitive advantage.

Pallapothu, M. K. & Krause, J. (2013). Strategic Macro-Environmental Factor Analysis for Entry into the Fish Vaccines Market in India. International Journal of Business and Management; 8(3)

The research methods used in this research study are credible, and the specific steps followed are well elaborated. There is use of descriptive exploratory research approach, with use of secondary anecdotal sources and peer reviewed articles, which is very appropriate for this research topic. The author considers the CPESTL factors (competition, political, economic, socio-cultural, technological and legal) as the basis on which the macro-environment is analysed. The discussions by the authors are appropriate for the intended audience, that is companies wishing to enter the Indian fish vaccines market, as there is a detailed exploration of the macro-environment factors they are likely to face.

Considering the authors’ background and provision of contacts, more information about the study can be sought. Moreover, this makes the information therein credible. The studies lies on secondary data, but this is a limitation as better results can be acquired from primary data. The research study is only limited to the fish vaccines market, meaning that the macro-environment factors in the research study could only confined to this sector. Hence, it might be difficult to generalize the results of this study to other sectors. This research study is significant in that it offers immense information that can assist fish vaccines businesses to be more effective. There is a warning on the need to be more attentive to bureaucratic hurdles, poor governance, IPR, and absence of business-friendly environment.

Andrews, R. (2009). Organizational Task Environments and Performance: An Empirical Analysis. International Public Management Journal, 12; 1-23

The research study is based on the argument that organizational research and theory argues that the performance in an organization can be affected by the environmental circumstances. The researchers use credible and authentic research methods, and this these are recorded articulately, replicating the research study is easy. The research study has been based on the existing theory, and this makes it more reliable. The data is also accessible online for confirmations.

The study is very relevant to companies as it discusses how the organizational task environment relates to organizational performance. Therefore, a company can implement the argued suggestions for higher performance. The authority and background of the author has been provided, and from this, there can be the conclusion that the research findings are authentic. The study is significant in guiding organizations in terms of subjective and objective environments, and how the two relate to performance. The study’s limitation is based on the reliance on local government service departments, while the findings could differ if other sectors or industries are considered. Considering the dynamic business environments, the findings of the study might be irrelevant for modern-day businesses.

Fariborz, R., Najafi, S. M., & Moslem, A. S. (2014). Brand Audit and Investigating the Relationship between Audit Indicators in Hospitality Industry (Case of Study: Shiraz Homa Hotel). New Marketing Research Journal, 3(4), 245-263.

The research study is founded on the fact that brand performance has life cycles, making it necessary to conduct an audit at different periods. The reliability of the questionnaire was tested using split-half approach and Alpha Cronbach. Using the two approaches increases accuracy of the data gathered. The sample size is quite large, and therefore, generalization can be made in the entire company. There are three aims in the study, and all have been explored in depth. Moreover, immense background information has been offered relating to the study and authors, which enhances its credibility and reliance on the study findings.

The authority and background of the authors has been offered, and the research article’s credibility can be judged as reliable. The study is limited in that the focus is a single institution, Shiraz Homa Hotel, meaning that the result’s generalization to other sectors and industries might not be feasible. This study has important information on brand audit indicators, which makes it extremely useful in guiding the modern day organizations. It is a recent article, and therefore still very relevant.

Bekhet, H. A. (2017). Constructing Model to Explore the Influence of Marketing Audit on Organizational Performance.  Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 11(15) 

The study is founded on conceptual research, but relying on theoretical research could have enhanced the credibility of the research. The study proposes a model to establish the linkage between function audit, productivity audit, system audit, organizational audit, strategy audit, and marketing environmental audit and organizational performance. Validity and reliability were enhanced when conducting the research, and SPSS was used for data collection. The author of the research has been identified by the institution of work, but his authority is not known.

The business is significant in that it can be used for establishing the effect that marketing audit has on the performance in different kinds of business. The research acts as a guideline for organizations to generate novel strategies and policies through which performance can be improved in different countries and industries. Organizational performance is very important in any company, and so is marketing. Therefore, the research study has a lot to offer in terms of offering insights that can be helpful in helping promote competitive advantage.

Bentley-Goode, K. A., Newton, N. J. & Thompson, A. M. (2017). Business Strategy, Internal Control over Financial Reporting, and Audit Reporting Quality. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 36(4), 49-69.

The research methods used are credible, and the researchers went an extra mile to provide the data on public sources. Therefore, anyone wishing to approve the data’s credibility can do so. At the same time, appropriate theories have been applied in the study, where the researchers note that organizational theory indicates that companies adhering to the innovative prospector approach tend to have internal controls that are weaker compared to those that follow the efficient defender strategy. The research findings have also been compared to what the organizational theory argues. This research study wholly fits a wide range of audience in terms of prospector and defender approaches. The information in the study can guide companies in making a choice.

The author’s background is offered, but their authority or contacts is not known. The study is limited in that generalizing to other fields is a bit difficult, based on the specificities followed in doing the research. The study is significant as it acts as a wakeup call for companies in formulating their strategies as an internal control strength.

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