Assignment 4: Personal Development Game Plan Due Week 10 and worth 175

Assignment 4: Personal Development Game Plan

Due Week 10 and worth 175 points.

“As you develop a game plan for your life, you must start by seeing yourself for who you really are.”

– Coach Gibbs


When asked about the secret to his success, Coach often stresses the importance of following a good game plan. A game plan helps you focus on your purpose and goals so that you can be sure you stay on track. Throughout this course, you have been working to identify some of the individual components of your own game plan for success.

In this assignment, you will combine everything you’ve learned about your values, passions, strengths, personality, leadership style, purpose, and goals to create your very own Personal Development Game Plan.


Step 1: Download the Personal Development Game Plan Worksheet and save it to your computer.

Step 2: Follow the directions on the worksheet to complete your Personal Development Game Plan.

Step 3: Save your assignment as FirstInitial_LastName_JGR100_A4.

Step 4: Submit your assignment using the Week 10 assignment link in Blackboard.


This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Course Connections

While completing this assignment, be sure to connect your responses to the course content you’ve learned so far. You should use specific phrases, ideas, and quotes from the Strayer videos, Coach’s Huddle, weekly readings, and/or discussion questions to explain and support your thoughts.

Wait! Before you submit your assignment, did you…

Review the scoring? The scoring guide will give you a clear understanding of the assignment expectations. If you are unclear on what is expected of you, please reach out to your instructor for support.

Check your assignment for grammatical errors?

Review your answers for clarity?

Reach out to your instructor if you have any questions?

Scoring Guide Assignment 4: Personal Development Game Plan



Below 60% F

Meets Minimum Expectations

60-69% D


70-79% C


80-89% B


90-100% A

1. All sections of Personal Development Game Plan (Game Plan) completed.

Weight: 30%

No sections of the Game Plan have been completed.

1-3 sections of the Game Plan have been completed.

4-5 sections of the Game Plan have been completed.

6-7 sections of the Game Plan have been completed.

All sections of the Game Plan have been completed.

2. Provides thoughtful responses in each section of the Game Plan.

Weight: 30%

Does not provide responses in any section of the Game Plan. Does not show a thorough understanding of the overall goal of the assignment.

Provides insufficient responses in each section of the Game Plan. Does not show a thorough understanding of the overall goal of the assignment.

Provides satisfactory responses in each section of the Game Plan. Shows a general understanding of the overall goal of the assignment.

Provides proficient responses in each section of the Game Plan. Shows a thorough understanding of the overall goal of the assignment.

Provides thorough responses in each section of the Game Plan. Shows a thorough understanding of the overall goal of the assignment.

3. Provides a summary that includes three (3) takeaways and how you will apply them to your personal and/or professional life.

Weight: 35%

Does not summarize any takeaways.

Summarizes only one (1) takeaway and explains how you will apply it to your personal and/or professional life.

Only summarizes two (2) takeaways and explains how you will apply them to your personal and/or professional life.

Proficiently summarizes three (3) takeaways and proficiently explains how you will apply them to your personal and/or professional life.

Thoroughly summarizes three (3) takeaways and thoroughly explains how you will apply them to your personal and/or professional life.

4. Write in a professional manner using proper grammar and spelling.

Weight: 5%

Writing does not meet minimal standards. Tone is not professional. Wholly lacking in logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting. Contains many spelling and/or grammatical errors.

Writing meets minimal standards. Tone is not professional. Lacks one or more of logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting. May contain more than 4 spelling and/or grammatical errors.

Writing is satisfactory. Tone is somewhat professional. Shows moderate logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting. May contain 2-4 spelling and/or grammatical errors

Writing is mostly good. Tone is professional. Shows logic, clarity, and consistent formatting. May contain few or no spelling and/or grammatical errors.

Writing is excellent. Tone is professional and sophisticated. Shows logic, clarity, and consistent formatting. Contains no spelling or grammatical errors.


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