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This is a discussion post assignment. Discussion topic: Are leaders born or

This is a discussion post assignment.

Discussion topic:

Are leaders born or made?

What is a DNP-prepared leader made of?

Leadership and unexpected circumstances

Leadership Makes a difference

Leadership Principles

Change and Innovation

Organizational Climate and Culture

Understanding driving forces contributing to the development of skills for the role of DNP-prepared leader.


Al‐Yami, M., Galdas, P., & Watson, R. (2018). Leadership style and organizational commitment among nursing staff in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Nursing Management, 26(5), 531-539.

Dartey-Baah, K., & Ampofo, E. (2016). African Journal of Economic and Management Studies, 7(3), 328-345.

George, S. R., & Leasure, A. (2016). Application of Transformational Leadership Principles in the Development and Integration of Palliative Care Within an Advanced Heart Failure Program. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing,35(2), 59-65.

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