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2 NowMarket eCommerce Project Business Requirements John M. Graves: Professor David Verret:


NowMarket eCommerce Project Business Requirements

John M. Graves:

Professor David Verret:


Table of Contents

Project Overview 2

Functional Business Requirements 3

Non-functional Business Requirements 6

Governance 6

Risk 7

Compliance 7

Technical Requirements for E-Commerce Component Integration 8

Potential Risks, Constraints and Assumptions 9

Risks 9

Constraints 11

Assumptions 11

References 13

Project Overview

This project is about an eCommerce startup organization called NowMarket and how some physical infrastructure as well as technological solutions can be implemented in the organization to help realize most if not all business goals. The organization has its focus on quality service delivery to online market. To gain competitive advantage over its competitors, NowMarket needs to implement some physical infrastructure and technological innovations in its information systems. Some of the problems this project will solve include;

Complexity in user or customer experience – The project would solve this problem by creating a clean and straightforward website that customers can simply explore and including clear CTAs (calls to action) for customers to understand exactly what to do.

Analysis of Competitors and Competition – By implementing analysis tools in this project, it will help the organization conduct a comprehensive examination of its competitors and adopt some best practices that will help gain competitive advantage.

The major goals of this project are;

To nurture the fast-developing online business model.

To configure numerous hybrid technological innovations.

To help expand the organization’s team and income generation.

The role of information technology (IT) in this project is enabling the management of client orders, delivery, returns, and payments for acquired items efficiently. It also allows for improved search, customization, and personalization, all of which are quickly becoming “must-have” features for the success of any ecommerce.

Functional Business Requirements

The basic behavior of any system is defined by functional requirements (Becker, Tebes, Peppino, & Olsina, 2019). According to Becker, they are essentially what the system does or does not do in response to inputs, and may be understood of in terms of how the system responds to inputs. Data input, calculations and business processes are generally included in functional requirements, which specify if/then behavior. Functional requirements are what allow the system to function as intended by the stakeholders and if not met, the system will not work. The table below describes the project’s functional business requirements by outlining the scope of the project.



Incorporation Strategies


User login

Capabilities for content management.

Discount code generators.

A shopping cart.

A simple checkout.

A simple checkout.

An optimized search engine.

Tools for report generation.

A blog section.

Several online payment options like credit card and PayPal.

Anticipating what the customers are looking for. For instance, some customers already know what they want while others don’t and are more interested in just browsing through the system. A search engine would be more important in the first scenario than in the second one.

Process Re-engineering

By removing inefficient tasks and the personnel who do them, business process reengineering will save costs and cycle times.

By minimizing task fragmentation and creating clear ownership of processes, business process reengineering will enhance quality.

The organization’s managers will perform the following strategies for process re-engineering;

Refocus the company’s values on the requirements of its customers.

Redesign fundamental processes, typically with the use of information technology.

Restructure a company into cross-functional teams that are responsible for the whole process.

Reconsider fundamental organizational and personnel concerns.

Streamline company procedures across the board.


Platform selection for CMS.


Theme for the website.

Images of the product and the content

Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Shopping cart.

Option for payment.

Definition of the system’s strategy and purpose.

Researching on latest web design trends.

Choosing a platform

Selecting a template and begin customizing.

Optimizing content.


Site navigation options.

Product page images.

User input options.

Search bar.

Help options.

Search bar.

Related products.

Customer ratings.

Present items that are similar to those that the ecommerce site needs or wants to sell. If the linked items are shown in a clear yet artistic manner, this is a successful online merchandising approach.

The items on sale should be separated into reasonable categories and then further split into subcategories.


Functional testing.

Security testing.

Performance testing.

Integration testing.

Compatibility testing.

Usability testing.

Examine the software requirement specification paper for requirements.

Make a detailed test plan.

Create test cases that cover all of the document’s requirements.

Get the QA lead to look through your test cases.

Carry out test scenarios and look for problems.

If there are any issues, report them, and once they’ve been repaired, run the failed tests again to double-check the fixes.

Scope Control

Organization, clear communication, and planning at each stage of the project may significantly decrease the negative consequences of a system’s size surpassing its initial aims and objectives during development. The following are some scope control strategies that will be employed in this project’s development;

Before the project starts, clear expectations with the customers will be set. Before beginning work, deliverables, deadlines, and funding agreements will all be well specified.

In a formal contract or project agreement, get it in writing. This section will be filled with a s much information as possible. Design, development, the number of pages, the number of revisions, and any online content or graphic design work are all possible items.

A particular project completion date will be determined and agreed upon. This is important because it may be used to refer back to if the customer wishes to add more to the project, especially if they are on a tight deadline and have been promoting the launch date of the company’s new website.

Non-functional Business Requirements


The following are non-functional business requirements linked to governance:


This refers to how easy it will be for administrators to keep track of the system’s essential health condition by using its monitoring features.


This looks into the system’s ability to go through modifications with relative ease. It refers to the simplicity with which the system may be updated to repair bugs or add new features.


Capacity refers to the ability to provide enough functionality to end consumers. For example, a request for 1,000 requests per second from the web-based system’s service when the server can only handle 100 requests per second may fail.


The following are non-functional business requirements linked to governance:


Under a given workload, performance refers to how quickly the software system or a specific element of it responds to certain user inputs.


This ensures that any data stored within the system or its components is safe from virus assaults and unauthorized access.


This refers to the likelihood that a user will be able to use the system at any particular moment.


The following are non-functional business requirements linked to governance:


Laws, rules, ordinances, orders, regulations, codes, and other requirements that are legally enforceable in effect and related to the performance of the system are described in this non-functional requirement.


This specifies how effectively the software system can adapt to its surroundings.

Data Integrity

The integrity, correctness, and consistency of the data in this system are all aspects of data integrity that are analyzed in this non-functional requirement.

Technical Requirements for E-Commerce Component Integration

The most important technological requirements for integrating e-commerce components are listed below;

Domain Name

First and foremost, a domain name for the system must be registered. This should be as similar to the company name as feasible and connected to the items sold by the company. It should also be memorable and simple to spell.

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Certificate

An SSL certificate enables secure communication between a user’s web browser and the server that will host the website; in certain circumstances, the web hosting business may be able to offer this.

Website Hosting

The management will need to choose a host for the website so that it may be hosted on a server. For fast speeds, uptime, and dependability – all crucial components of a successful e-commerce business – the management should select established and respected providers.

Account with an Internet Merchant (IMA)

An internet-ready bank account (IMA) allows the company to conduct transactions through the internet. High-street bank accounts can be used to create these.

Potential Risks, Constraints and Assumptions


The following are the most significant risks that might jeopardize the project’s development and completion;

Scope Creep

Scope creep occurs when either;

The project’s parameters were not well-defined from the start; or the project’s scope was not well-defined from the start.

There is pressure to take on activities that were not part of the original project plan, either internally from the project team or outside from customers or supervisors.

Communication Challenges

Communication is one of the most critical aspects in effective project management, just as it is in life, and bad communication creates a significant and unneeded risk. Appropriate communication tools should be selected and explained to the company’s team at the start of the project.

Budget Creep

Overly optimistic cost projections, such as when time or external resources needed to finish the project are underestimated, can lead to a budget overrun. Unexpected variations in material or labor costs occur from time to time during project development.

Poor Scheduling

Scheduling is a critical component of effective project management, and bad scheduling may expose the project to a variety of hazards. Project scheduling entails the creation of a document, which is generally a digital document these days, that outlines the project timetable as well as the organizational resources needed to execute each job.


Preventative/Mitigating Strategies

Scope Creep

Create a document for the management that specifies what the development team will produce and when, as well as what will happen if the client deviates from the agreed-upon limits.

Communication Challenges

Reducing the number of project communication streams to the bare minimum that allows the development team to stay productive.

Budget Creep

Carefully conducting research and waiting until the project plan and timeline are finished before presenting a completed budget.

Poor Scheduling

A basic shared calendar is sufficient depending on the scale and complexity of the project.


The following constraints were identified;


People are apprehensive about working in a paperless, faceless technological environment. Some company organizations do not have a physical presence, and people are unaware of who they are transacting business with. This factor encourages consumers to shop at physical stores.

Obstacles Due to Culture

Customers come from all around the world to shop on the internet. People’s habits and cultures change from country to country. They also cause language difficulties. As a result, cultural differences create barriers for both the business and its customers.

Suitability of the Product

To buy items, people must rely on computerized pictures. It is possible that when the items are delivered, they will not match the electronic representations. Finally, it may not meet the purchasers’ requirements. People avoid internet purchasing due to a loss of “touch and feel.”


Some assumptions in this project include;

Customers Understand the Product 

This is an assumption whereby the customers are assumed to understand the products on sale hence not given comprehensible information. Giving item information is wonderful, but most customers have no idea what DDR2 RAM is; all they care about is being able to check their emails and watch TV online (for instance).

Customers will Get the Word Out

Customers are typically sluggish, and they won’t go out of their way to promote the business unless encouraged, so it is important to take the time and ask them to do so; the worst they can say is no.

Customers are Rational

This is based on the assumption that customers make logical judgments. It’s simple to sell rationality, but it is important to not forget about the customer’s emotional demands.


Becker, P., Tebes, G., Peppino, D., & Olsina, L. (2019). Applying an Improving Strategy that embeds Functional and Non-Functional Requirements Concepts. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 19(2), 15. Retrieved from http://journal.info.unlp.edu.ar/JCST/article/view/1288

Marcelino-Sádaba, S., Pérez-Ezcurdia, A., Lazcano, A. M. E., & Villanueva, P. (2014). Project risk management methodology for small firms. International Journal of Project Management, 32(2), 327-340. Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0263786313000665

Tóth, L., & Vidács, L. (2018). Study of various classifiers for identification and classification of non-functional requirements. International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, 492-503. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-95174-4_39

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