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Part one Chapter 10 Human Resources What are some of the worst

Part one

Chapter 10 Human Resources

What are some of the worst job you know about? Why are they bad jobs? Why do people want these jobs? What are some of the stress factors that these employees experience? How would you deal with them? Please provide real world and personal examples.

Part two

Besides warehouse layout decisions, what are some other applications where ranking items according to “bang/buck” might make sense? Have you ever used this concept in your personal life?


Case Study on Jackson Manufacturing Company page 437
Please read the case study and answer the following questions.
1.) How big should the sample be for a statistically accurate standard (at, say, the 99.73% confidence level and accuracy of +/- 5%) ?
2.) Is the sample size adequate?
3.) How many units should be produced at this workstation per day?
4.) What is the cost per unit for this task in direct labor cost?

Part three

Chapter 16 Lean Operations

Case Study: JIT at Arnold Palmer Hospital page 656.

Please read the case study and answer the following questions:

1.) What do you recommend be done when an error is found in a pack as it is opened for an operation?

2.) How might the procedure for custom surgical packs described here be improved?

3.) When discussing JIT in services, the text notes that suppliers, layout, inventory, and scheduling are all used. Provide an example of each of these at Arnold Palmer Hospital.

4.) When a doctor proposes a new surgical procedure, how do you recommend the SKU for a new custom pack be entered into the hospital’s supply-chain system?

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