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WEEK Three WRITING ABOUT ART AND CULTURE: The “Cultural Artifact” In Week

WEEK Three WRITING ABOUT ART AND CULTURE: The “Cultural Artifact” In Week two “ WAAC” paper, you wrote about an artifact that belongs to you; tells us about your own culture; defines who you are in this time and place. For Week three WAAC paper, select one cultural artifact from this week’s textbook reading to describe. Choices for cultural artifacts could be pottery, sculpture, carvings, literature, etc., in other words, objects made or created by human hands. Architectural structures or monuments may also be chosen as your cultural artifact. Be sure to select an artifact that is not a topic choice for any discussion board choice. There are many choices so those DQ topics should not be recycled for other written work. After you have selected the piece from our textbook follow these instructions.

This paper will be worth 70 points or 7 % of your final course grade. The paper should be at least 300 words long and should be written in paragraph form. Please include the word count at the bottom of the response. In Microsoft Word, go to Tools>Word Count to count the total of your essay. At the bottom of your essay place something like this (300 words). If you cannot locate enough information to meet the word count, try going beyond the textbook to include a cited web source such as “smarthistory.org.” Do not use Wikipedia.

Imagine that you are describing the artifact to a person who cannot see it. Allowing language to be the paintbrush, you must recreate the image of the artifact on the page. You will find that it is necessary when writing research papers and essays about cultural artifacts to include specific visual information. This exercise is good practice for future written work this term.

In Week Three WRITING ABOUT ART paper, describe these details that are applicable to your chosen artifact. Be sure to write this in essay form. Do not list the details: Name or title of the artifact; Historical period that this artifact was created; Who or what group of people is responsible for making this artifact Location of where this artifact was found and where is it located today

Function or purpose of this artifact; for example, was it used as a tool, to record an event or tell a story or myth in the particular cultural group or time period? Materials used in creating this artifact; Size or dimensions of the artifact Design details for this artifact should also be included such as: Subject Matter: What are recognizable images on this artifact? Is it a figure or made of recognizable figures or animals. Where is the recognizable imagery located on the artifact? Shapes or forms; use of color, texture. If the artifact is applied to a surface, also, include how the space is divided into foreground, background; use of pattern or other embellishment on the surface of the artifact. This paper should be 300 words or more. Please include the word count at the bottom of the response.

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