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1 Implementation and Measure of Results Amisadai Mederos Denver College of Nursing


Implementation and Measure of Results

Amisadai Mederos

Denver College of Nursing

NUR445: Capstone

Sharon Bator

December 12, 2021

Implementation and Measure of Results

The process of change implementation is necessary to bring out the best in patient care in the current and future practice. Implementing the change involving the installation of alarms and nursing education requires the systematic change implementation process and review. Within the change process, a lot of concepts are experienced. The people involved in the change are all the nursing care practitioners. The nurses are the immediate people in the patient’s care (Suresh, 2018). It is also essential to involve the doctors and other clinicians since they are in the collaborative management of the patients. In the change approval, it is the role of the hospital administrator or the head of the hospital to approve it. The departmental head has a share in advising the administration regarding the change.

It is vital to select the best process to bring out convenience in plan communication. The clear concept is to communicate all the past inconveniences of the recent practices. A provision of the advantages and anticipated efficiency of the plan promotes a good understanding to the recipients of change. It is also necessary to get the people’s views who will be affected by the change. In implementing the actual change, the detailed procedural approach promotes success. The first step involves the communication of the entire problem to the whole stakeholders. All the medical staff, specifically the nurses, need to understand the change. A provision of the detailed statistics on the recent falls and the direct impact to the patients is an eye-opener to accept the change and prepare psychologically and physically for the arrival of the change.

The next step is the actual installation of the alarms in the rooms. The alarms are in line and followed by specific demonstrations to the nurses in the department. There can be supervision for a little duration to assess the actual implementation and acceptance. The last step for the change is a follow-up and review. The change agents can allocate people to provide feedback and further guide on the use and response to the alarms. The collection of data will entail using a survey with the dissemination of some questionnaires to the nursing staff in the department. The questionnaires have a role in addressing the specific needs of the patients without deviation. The questionnaires can explain all the concepts of the change and the views of the staff. Validity and reliability are critical factors in the research (Aguinis et al., 2019). It is essential to use the pretest and posttest questionnaires to check if the tool will measure what is intended and provide the intended results.

The data from the survey questionnaires will be entered into the data analysis tool and represent the information in terms of digits or statistical presentations to generate the results. The results will reflect the actual need for the implementation. The overall action for the results is a provision to the hospital management. The hospital will also use the data in making decisions and planning for the needs of the patients. The hospital can also use the results to do collaborative management with other hospitals and different units like the supplies of more equipment. Results also determine the need for a workforce. The same results also define and explain the need for continuous research to improve patient care and prevent more complications and accidents consistently.


Aguinis, H., Hill, N. S., & Bailey, J. R. (2019). Best practices in data collection and preparation: Recommendations for reviewers, editors, and authors. Organizational Research Methods, 1094428119836485. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1094428119836485

Suresh, S. (2018). Nursing research and statistics. Elsevier Health Sciences. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=xsliDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=nursing+research+text+book+2018&ots=sa9h3SfBy1&sig=_PbVfQ3PH5h5vt1MWyFMD3pCkWM

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