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Wordsmith By Susan Young In my mind I call my father the


By Susan Young

In my mind I call my

father the Pollyfilla king,

watch with something akin to awe

as he begins the arduous process

5 of filling in the gaps, the long winded

cracks that travel down the walls of my house

like run on sentences.

From the sidelines I watch as he

trudges up and down the stairs, carrying

10 with nonchalance an industrial-sized bucket,

shiny spatula tucked into back pocket

for easy access.

Over and over again

with precision and grace

15 he fills and smooths and sands

as filling in all of the empty crevices

with the words he didn’t know how to say,

the lost syllables and consonants springing up

from the bucket, stubbornly announcing themselves

20 home, until there is only smoothness,

my fifty eight year old house a perfect sentence,

the veritable sheen of its walls

privy to this father of mine,

whose love keeps him moving

25 from room to room, brightly asking,

Do you think you’ll be painting the other room

Upstairs sometime? I could start work on it now.

Then it’ll be ready for painting later.

Yes, I say, yes,

30 My face aglow.

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