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CONCLUSION Summary/Savings in Cost In this section write a conclusion that highlights


Summary/Savings in Cost

In this section write a conclusion that highlights the importance and need to acquire the piece of new equipment. Review the body of the purchase proposal to identify the reasons and how the new piece of equipment would benefit the operation, improve customer satisfaction and employee performance.

Provide four advantageous in acquiring the piece of equipment. Hint think about cost savings in food and labour, improved employee performance, improvement of process of production, enhanced quality of finished product, energy savings, boost employee morale,

Section 7 – Customer Satisfaction

In this section write about why the purchase of the equipment would improve overall customer satisfaction. Think about health and safety of the residents, employees. Cost savings in customer service recoveries etc. How the oven may provide advantageous to expand the dessert, bread or menu items.

Section 8 – Recommendations

In this section write about why this equipment addresses the value and mission statement of the operation. Write about why the purchase of this equipment addresses the need for improvement in the food and labour cost cycle of control. Apply what you have learned in kitchen management and why improvement in operating equipment is essential to cost control, health and safety and employee motivation and customer satisfaction.

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