Student’s Name: ________________________________________
This Worksheet is designed to help students learn key points from Chapter One in the text Crisis Intervention in Criminal Justice/Social Service. After reading Chapter One, please complete all sections and upload it into Brightspace.
1) What is a Crisis?
Please list five (5) items that define a Crisis:
2) Types of Crisis:
Please identify the six types of Crisis from the list below. Double click on the boxes to make your selections.
☐ Dispositional/situational
☐ Physical injury
☐ Anticipated life transition
☐ Sudden traumatic stress
☐ Maturational and developmental
☐ Psychopathological
☐ Financial loss
☐ Psychiatric emergency
☐ Somatic manifestations
☐ Emotional
3) Common Responses to Crisis and Traumatic Events
For each category of response, please identify which symptom in the list is NOT a common response. Put an X in front of your selection.
Cognitive Response
Poor Concentration
Sharper Memory
Memory Loss
Emotional Response
Volatile Emotions
Feeling Giddy
Felling lost and overwhelmed
Physical Response
Difficulty Sleeping
Rapid Heart Beat
Ear Ache
Behavior Response
Decreased alcohol & tobacco use
Increased substance use
3) Crisis Intervention “best practices”
Please indicate which skills are part of sound Crisis Intervention. Put an X in front of your selections.
□ effective interpersonal communication
□ responding for the person in crisis
□ an ability to focus the client on the crisis and the triggering event
□ use of open ended questions
□ use of multiple choice/multiple options questions
□ empathy
□ active listening
□ self awareness
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